Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Hale Farm pic for your desktop

This just in from Ken Hillegass. The unit photo from the 2006 Hale Farm came out great! I have created three differed hi-res versions. If you want to make this picture the background image on your computer desktop, click on the version below and then right click on the photo when it opens. Then choose "set as background" from the popup menu.

5th OVI Hale 2006 color photograph

Black and White version

Watercolor painting style version

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Wool Blankets

I know what you are going to say... We are going to Virginia in July. What do I need a blanket for?

It can't be hot forever!

I just landed a source for really nice brown French 100% wool blankets that are perfect for reenacting. I put some up on my Ebay Store if you would like to see it, but if anyone in the unit would like one, let me know and I will make sure to get ahold of what we need.


Friday, March 17, 2006

Old Bedford Billeting

Be advised that on the subject of Cabin allotments to the winning units of the earlier drawing that, especially if you haven't been to Old Bedford Village before that the sizes of the cabins vary some are big and some are smaller some have fireplaces some don't. Keep in mind that the cabins are intended as previously stated your companies Headquarters although some of your men can stay in them .

There has been some misunderstanding by some that they are large enough to be a barracks to hold ALL of your attendees. This is NOT the case you need to advise your members to all bring camping equipment, sleeping gear, if desired, tents to play it safe, heaters if desired, food etc. Some of your members will have to tent it regardless. Advise those folks to bring cold weather gear just in case. The registration indicates some units will not be able to house their entire unit the attendance looks larger than anticipated. It is expected that all commanders alert their people and get them prepared properly, in other words better safe than sorry. We will make every effort to accommodate as many as possible.

Remember your units has a cabin for a headquarters if you were informed you are a winner but beyond that "NO PROMISES ".

Your Servant,
General Kelley

NCO Training


Hard to believe that NCO training is now only 6 weeks away. We have a date (Fri - Sat, Apr 21-22), but we still have a choice of two locations:

Gary Spang's property near Mt Liberty (Mt Vernon area)

Jim Workman's property between Ravenna and Rootstown

Both of these are good locations. Spang's has a large open meadow for field exercises, while Workman's has a beautiful recreation of a period tavern for the classroom work.

What I need to know is:

Who is coming

Your first choice of location

Whether you would be able to make the other location

Please reply ASAP to me and Sgt Maj Buker (jwb7592@msn.com). Officers, please circulate among your people. The sooner we have a decision, the sooner we can finish planning.

Jim Ruley

Monday, February 20, 2006

Change of Command

As most of you know by now, the beginning of this reenacting season has seen a number of changes for the 5th Ohio. It has been close to a month since I received a call from General Ed Kelley of Birney's Division asking me to take command of our 2d Battalion. With some trepidation, I did so.

At first, my plan was to do both command jobs as I didn't want to let the men of the 5th down just because I have been tasked with additional responsibilities. After some welcome discussion at our meetings, I realize that doing so would not serve the 5th or the Battalion in the best capacity. Another course of action would be needed.

One of the reasons the 5th has continued to grow into one of the best reenacting units in our area is the careful thought and consideration given to our group decisions. At our two consecutive meetings this month, ideas, solutions, and just plain brainstorming were brought to the table. Everyone had a voice and the teamwork resulting from these discussions would set a fine example to any other organization.

The support and encouragement from all of you as I attempt to tackle the running of our 150 plus man battalion is greatly appreciated. The fact that General Kelley called me to take the job says a lot about how the 5th is viewed in our hobby. It is a feather in our unit's cap to be sure.

The decision to turn the company command over to another 5th Ohioan so I can focus on the larger task at hand is the result of the discussions over the last few weeks. This will also give the 5th a full-time company commander. It is so very important as the unit looks to field 25 to 30 men at events this year.

Despite all of this, I am certainly not leaving the 5th. I am, and will remain a member. I have been in the hobby and in the 5th for 11 years now. This is my home no matter what coat I am tasked to wear, or what location my tent is placed. You guys and the families are not just fellow members of our organization, but close friends that I would sit around a fire and chat with even if Civil War reenacting disappeared tomorrow. As a Private, Corporal, Sergeant, 1st Sergeant, and Captain, I thank all of you for your camaraderie, encouragement, and support. Can many people in our hobby say this: I feel blessed to be part of my group.

I wish the best to our new Captain, Brian Hercheck. Brian has what is takes to lead the Company. The personality and enthusiasm Brian has shown since he became part of the unit is key to this post. I know all of you will be there to help him do his best for the unit, and support him as you have me. Brian, you have a great 1st Sgt and Corporal to help you keep the Company motivated and squared away. Most of us are so old right now that we can't stay up past 10 pm anyway (so there shouldn't be any late night brawls).

Thank you all and here is to a great season of sweating and shooting!

Your pard,
Chris Smith

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Birney's Divison 2d Battalion news

One of my goals as the 2d Battalion Commander for Birney's Division was to put together a news page and blog for activities going on in our larger organization. For those of you who wish to keep up to date, bookmark www.5thohio.com/Birneys


1st Federal Division newsletter

Army of the Ohio's Jim Ruley has passed on to me the first issue of the 1st Federal Division newsletter (of which the AAO is a part). I thought it was good reading.

Click the file below to download and print out.


Friday, February 03, 2006

Army of the Ohio NCO School

Fellow Army of the Ohio members,

I talked with Jim Workman about using his tavern for the Army of the Ohio (AotO) NCO school on Friday 4/21 and Saturday 4/22. He said it was available and there would be no problem in our using it. Here's some info regarding the tavern

#1) Jim does not normally charge a fee for reenactors using the tavern
#2) He does however accept donations to help with it's upkeep
#3) He would like us to leave it in the shape we find it (clean, tidy, etc)
#4) For sanitation purposes, there is a functional outhouse
#5) For heating purposes, there is a functional fireplace (wood is already on-site)
#6) For lighting purposes, there is the fireplace and kerosene lanterns
#7) There is no on-site water so we would need to bring what we need
#8) For sleeping purposes, there are 8-10 old style beds on the second floor
#9) The tavern has tables and chairs that should accommodate 20-25 people easily

Jim asked me if we were going to allow non AotO reenactors to attend the school. I told him that I was not sure how many AotO members would be attending and if there were any extra openings I would find out if other reenactors could attend.

Jim said he would "pencil us in" for those dates and asked that we let him know as soon as possible if we are going to use the tavern.

If you need any more information regarding the tavern, please let me know.

Joe McMahan (41st OVI)

Monday, January 30, 2006

Spring Drill Details

Good evening everyone. As promised, here is the information of the 5th OVI, Birney's 2d Battalion Sprill Drill on Saturday, April 29th at Camp Workman. All of the details are attached and the registration sheet is interactive so all you have to do is fill it out. Save it as a different file, and then email to Ken Hillegass as indicated. Registrtaion can be sent via mail as well.

This will be a great weekend so please send this out to all in your unit. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Looking forward to seeing you there!



Monday, January 23, 2006

Birney's Division 2nd Battalion

Just a bit of news to update you on. I received a call from Birney's Commanding Officer, General Kelley. He talked to me for some time about additional duty assignments. After some discussion, I said I would help out.

PLEASE be advised that I informed the General of my responsibilities to the 5th and that my job will be to command the company at our events. There are only a couple of the support events, and a few non-5th events, where I am being asked to perform other duties. Mostly, to continue the flow of information to the units here in the 2nd Battalion. I hope that not only myself, but the members of the 5th, will help take a leadership roll here in Ohio and Western PA on behalf of the Division.

Boys, Keep the Colors Up!
Captain Smith

To All Commanders,

Take notice that there has been a change in command of Birneys Division 2nd Battalion. Col. Benne has relinquished his command and taken a position on the Division Staff under my direct command. We would like to thank Ray for his dutiful service the past two years as the commander of 2nd Battalion and look forward to working with him in his new position on my staff. Job well done and much appreciated.

You will notice a change in the battalion structures in the Division in the next few days on the website. The Division is growing so rapidly that we need to align our units more geographically. 1st Battalion will consist of our Central Pennsylvania units and East the 2nd Battalion will cover Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio respectively in an effort to better serve you all better.

I am announcing that Chris Smith of the 5th OVI will succeed Col Benne as commander of the 2nd Battalion at the rank of Lt. Colonel, Colonel Smith is from the Akron area and a 10 year veteran of reenacting, is very amiable, easy to work with and knows his drill and is a strong leader. I would appreciate you total acceptance of Colonel Smith and co operate with him fully in building a strong 2nd Battalion and helping to make the hobby enjoyable for all in the coming years.

Your Servant,
Major General Ed Kelley
Birneys Division

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Army of the Ohio Officer's School

I will be attending this course. If anyone else is interested, please let me know.

Captain Smith


This letter is to announce our third annual Officer's Training Program, to be help March 24-26, 2006 (March 31 - April 2 in case of a blizzard). This activity was inspired by a correspondence course program conducted by Tim O'Neill of the Civil War Living History Institute (CWLHI). Tim is a retired US Army Lt Col and taught psychology at the US Military Academy (West Point) for a number of years. Recognizing the need for increased professionalism and leadership among reenactor officers, he has developed the "Staff College" program. Students study textbook materials, submit "homework" assignments and attend resident weekends at Old Fort Washington, a historic site just east of the DC beltway. This program is highly rewarding and Tim is hoping to make arrangements for awarding actual college credit.

My weekend course borrows heavily from Tim's CWLHI program. The intention is to give the students a simplified look at the material, develop some briefing and writing skills, foster teamwork and leadership and of course have some fun. I hope the program will awaken interest in further study, and inspire many of the students to enroll with CWLHI. Students do not need to hold officer rank in a reenactment group to attend; only an interest in the subject matter is necessary.

The agenda is full, with essentially no "down time" other than sleep, breaks and meals; so the program is best held at a "retreat" site where the students will not be disturbed. For the same reason, family members cannot be accomodated on site. This year we will use Jim Workman's reconstruction of a period tavern near Campbellsport, OH (directions to be provided with registration materials). Certain meals are provided and I ask students to remain on site overnight if at all possible in order to foster teamwork and camaraderie.

Registration opens Friday afternoon, with students on their own for dinner. The first organized activity will be a leadership discussion in the early evening (time TBA). After this, we will retire promptly to bed as we have a very full schedule Saturday. Saturday activities begin with a sword exercise, followed by breakfast (provided on site). Classroom sessions will be held throughout the day, with the student presentations before and after lunch. We will have snacks available and will have a midday break for an hour or so to let students get lunch and run any necessary errands. Classes will continue until late afternoon.

Saturday night, we have the social and "fun" highlight of the event with a reception and formal dinner superintended by my wife Kay. This is not only intended to be enjoyable, but gives us a chance to practice the social skills gentlemen were expected to be familiar with in the 1860's. We will review the military mess custom of toasting.

Sunday morning begins with breakfast (provided), and any needed review or leftover material from Saturday. After this, students will apply what they have learned through a "map exercise", essentially a highly structured wargame. The emphasis is not so much on winning as on applying the analysis and problem solving techniques taught on Saturday, and working together effectively as a team.

Participants are requested to be in period dress from Saturday morning through Sunday dismissal. "Duty" uniform or corresponding civilian dress is appropriate during the day, and your finest "dress" uniform with white gloves is requested for the reception and dinner. However, no one is expected to buy clothing especially for the course. If you do not have period clothing, modern "business casual" is appropriate during the day, and a jacket and tie for dinner. Everyone is also requested to bring a sword if possible for the Saturday morning exercise; bring two if you have them to share with others who may not. Belts are desirable but not required, and will not be worn the rest of the day.

Pre-registration is required. A fee of $20 is used to defray the cost of meals and other expenses. Please make checks or money orders payable to "Kay Ruley". Registration will close March 1 and is limited to 15 students, so please submit your fees promptly. Our address is 4674 Old Springfield Rd, Springfield, OH 45502.

Each student is requested to prepare a five-minute presentation on a topic of military relevance to the mid-nineteenth century. The intention is to test your ability to make a point quickly and clearly rather than require great scholarship. Please submit your presentation topic along with your registration. If you have trouble choosing one, contact me and I will be glad to assist you.
If you would like more information, contact me at (937) 462-7332, or by e-mail at garlough@woh.rr.com

Jim Ruley
Commanding, Army of the Ohio