Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Important News Flash...

Greetings Everybody,

I just wanted to send an email out to you all about a couple of things. First, the Christmas Party is tentatively set for Saturday, December 1st at 7:00 pm at the Campbellsport Tavern in Ravenna (Jim Workman’s place). We will eat shortly after then. Sue and her folks are going to catering the party for us. They can do it for $10 per person, and the unit would pitch in for the cost for drinks. We will once again have a white elephant gift exchange for the guys, and the ladies we have their traditional exchange amongst themselves. I’m asking that everybody pay prior to the party, or the night of is okay as well. But, I would prefer that folks pay ahead of time, so I can have a head count for the party. The price of $10.00 per person is set at if 20 paying folks show up. So, naturally if we have less than 20 people then the price goes up. At the last meeting the members that were present (Ray Slattery, Ken Hillegass, Mark Hooverman, Andy Augustynovich, and myself.) voted to have it at the Tavern as well as have Sue cater it again. If anybody else would prefer an alternative to the party let me know so we can discuss it at the next meeting which leads me to my second item up for bid. Our next meeting is scheduled for next Thursday, November 15th at 7:00 pm at the Northwest Avenue Church of Christ. After we talk we will try to drill in the gym again, so please bring your rifles & traps. Mr. Hooverman was able to reserve the gym for us to drill in. So, a big thanks goes out to him. Also, I attached the Nomination Ballot for this year's elections again to an email. I have not received any ballots from anyone, so please get them back to me when you can. We wouldn’t want something crazy to happen like Andy “Paco” Augustynovich being the only one to turn in his ballot with him as Captain? I think that is all I have for now, and take care. Hope to see you at the meeting.

Chairman, 5th Ohio 

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