Monday, February 11, 2008

Reeanctor's Auction Web Site Launches

Hi all,

A friend came up with a great idea that is now being launched. It is a great way to sell that extra reenacting junk we all have. Check it out.


We are extremely excited to announce the launch of a new and revolutionary, much needed buying and selling venue for Civil War reenactors.

Up to this point the only other known auction site that reenactors have used for this purpose has been ebay. We have all sifted through thousands of trinket sellers to find the hard goods we need and desire. If you have sold anything on ebay you know that you paid high listing fees and after your items sold, you were charged the current final fee rate of 8.75% (in most cases and graduated as the amount of purchase price rises). We experienced this and felt there should be a better alternative. Thus the Civil War Reenactors Auction was born.

We have set this site up in a clear and user-friendly format that will bring buyers to your products quickly and easily. We feature free listings on unlimited items for reenactors wanting to sell their used goods, and a store set up for serious sellers to market their product in an on-line setting that can build and establish a brand recognition for their business. The store set up is a very affordable $10 per month with unlimited free listings.

It is predicted that this new auction site will become the main method for reenactors to buy and sell the goods associated with our hobby in the future. You can gather up the items that we all have and get busy selling them on-line. AND make great money doing it!

Keep in mind that this is a fresh out-of-the-box auction site and is just now being launched. You may not see a ton of items the first day, but if everyone gets the word it won't be long till a load of stuff will be up and for sale.

Take a look, register, and come back often to see it grow.

Any questions mail us at

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