Tuesday, December 09, 2008

AAR: Fredericksburg in Zoar, Ohio

I have finally thawed out enough to write a report on the events in Zoar, Ohio this last weekend. The 51st OVI has hosted a winter encampment as part of the Christmas in Zoar event in years past, but this was the first time a battle was held to commemorate the engagement in Fredericksburg, Virginia during December of 1862.

First lets just say to was COLD. Sixteen degrees Friday night, and by Sunday the wind and snow had whipped up a might fierce. Even with a small heater in my quarters, the wind just seemed to carry it away and the eight inch icicles hanging off of the sides of my tent were a testament to the challenges a reenactor faced this weekend.

But, the fires were large and wood was plenty! Food too. More than one wonderful meal of chili was enjoyed by the troops. And coffee was always on. Despite the weather, I can't think of a better place to be than in the company of such fine fellows from Birney's 2nd Battalion and The Army of the Ohio.

Numbers were smaller but that was to be expected. Two companies of Federals (about forty men) faced about seventeen Confederates. Lt Col Chuck Rusche and his Adjutant Lt John Buker from the Army of the Ohio administrated the overall command, while myself and Lt Kirkwood saw to the set up and provisions for the troops.

The engagement began fighting the Confederates through the streets of "Fredericksburg" as they attempted to slow our advance through town. The smaller force was pushed back across the open ground to "Marye's Heights" were they took cover behind fence near the bakery.

A company of our men moved into the open field and advanced in skirmish, being forced to withdraw under withering Confederate fire. The 2nd company advanced but was beaten back as well.

The scenario concluded as our own Bob Penix portrayed Sgt Kirkland, the Angel of Marye's Heights, moving among the dispatched Federal troops, giving them water and words of comfort.

Sunday's battle was a repeat of this scenario. However, the increasing snow forced a number of troops to retreat home. Smaller numbers on Sunday saw us field a single company but fun was had by all.

This was a different weekend to say the least. The environment offered a challenge and a true soldier's experience. Even with cold feet, I would not have traded it for the world! We learned that canteens freeze fast, and heel plates build up inches of ice in minutes when walking in the snow.

My thanks to Grant Kirkwood for his adjutating and fire building skills. I am sure it it could be seen from Canada. Also to Chuck and John for their leadership. I look forward to playing with the Army of the Ohio during the upcoming season.

A special thanks goes out to Mark Gaynor of the 51st OVI for all of his hard work to make this happen. Mark is also the lead on the Zoar event in September and 2d Battalion will be there in force in 2009!

For those of you who missed it (or just want to make sure you remember being frozen this past weekend for some reason), here is a link to some fantastic photos from Andy Donaldson.


Respectfully Submitted:

C.L. Smith, Lt Col
2d Battalion, Birney's Division

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Fredericksburg registration

The link below is the registration for the Fredericksburg event in Zoar, Ohio on December 5-7, 2008. Please get with your units and find out who is planning to attend so we have a firm grip on numbers.

If you have an any questions, please don't hesitate to email clsmith@5thohio.com

Click here to download the registration form.

Friday, September 26, 2008


We are just one week away from the reenactment at Perryopolis. The company structure and 2d Battalion camp layout can be downloaded at the link below.


If any units have questions, please get in touch with me at clsmith@5thohio.com

Drive safe and I will see you there!

Your Servant,
Christopher Smith, Lt Col

Thursday, August 07, 2008

More Gettysburg 145th photos

Thanks to Dale Leach of the 13th US, here is a great collection of pics from Gettysburg.

Click Here

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Camp at Hale Farm

Maj Van Meter and I did a site survey of the 2d Battalion camp at Hale Farm. This set up will be in the same place as last year but configured a bit differently.

Click Here: to download a map of the camp set up: Hale2008Camp.jpg

There is a specific area reserved for families with wall tents and flys. Families can also camp in the main family camp area by the Hale House if they so desire.

MILITARY PERSONNEL: PLEASE see Maj Van Meter when you arrive for your company street assignment. He will arrive at Noon on Friday. Please do not place your tent until you have reported to him.

Company assignments are:

1st Company - 5th OVI (including the 51st OVI and 74th NY)
2nd Company - 4th OVI, Co. E
3rd Company - 4th OVI, Co. B
4th Company - 105th OVI

Have a safe trip and I will see you this weekend.

Your Servant,
C.L. Smith, Lt Col

Perryopolis registration

Sorry for the delay everyone. The registration information for our event in Perryopolis, PA is now on-line. Click here. Make sure to talk to Ken Hillegass about signing up.

Just a little teaser for the event... Depending on the weather, for those units who wish to, we will be marching out of camp and sleeping in the trenches Saturday evening. This will give us an opportunity to get an idea of what the soldiers went through late in the war.

Again, this is strictly voluntary and depends on the weather (your battalion commander doesn't like to sleep in the mud any more than you do!).

Your Servant,
C.L. Smith, Lt Col

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fredericksburg in Zoar

As we have all experienced with the outragious gas prices, events closer to home are looking more and more appealing. Mark Gaynor of the 51st Ohio and I have been in touch regarding a new small event this December in Zoar, Ohio.

The Angel of Marye's Heights - Battle for Fredericksburg will be held on December 6-7, 2008. It will feature a winter encampment and battle in the streets.

I am trying to get three or four companies together who want to participate in this unique event. If you have ever been to Zoar Village in the winter, you can really appreciate what Fredericksburg must have been like in 1862.

Please talk to your pards and drop me an email in the next month. Visit the Zoar web site at http://www.zca.org/. You can download the information flyer at the link below...


Your Servant,
Christopher L. Smith, Lt Col
Birney's Division, 2d Battalion

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Gettysburg pics

The 145th Anniversary Reenactment of the Battle of Gettysburg is now history itself. Click Here to enjoy some of the pics.

Thanks to David Strichko of the 5th Ohio Sharp Shooters, Tom Simich of the 5th Ohio, Vern Woodruff of the 4th Ohio, and Rob Shick of the 66th Ohio.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Video from the 145th Gettysburg

We are in the process of putting together an online photo album of Birney's Division at the 145th Gettysburg reenactment. In the meantime, check out this video of Pickett's Charge on Sunday.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Falls Resident Marches with the Boys in Blue... Again.

By Paul Huff

Kate Mosteller will have Civil War reenactors marching in front of her as she rides in the Cuyahoga Falls Memorial Day Parade on Monday. But in 1926 she rode in the parade with a real Civil War soldier beside her.

Then six-years-old, Mosteller rode with her grandfather, Dwight Shumway, one of the city's last surviving Civil War soldiers. Mosteller remembers little of that particular day, but she does remember getting a new dress to wear in the parade. 'I have a picture of me wearing that dress. Back then it was really something when you got a new dress.'

She recalls Grandpa Shumway with fondness. Born in Massachusetts, he came to Cuyahoga Falls in March 1860 to work in farming when he was 22 years old. In August of 1861, he enlisted in Company K of the 19th Ohio Volunteer Infantry.

While marching with the 19th, Shumway fought in some of the worst battles of the war including Pittsburg Landing (Shiloh), Stone River, Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge. During General William T. Shermans's Atlanta Campaign the unit shed blood at Dallas, Dalton, Resaca, Pumpkinvine Creek and Kenesaw Mountain.

Federal records show Shumway's war ended at a place called Pine Knob, Georgia on June 17, 1864. Shumway would spend the rest of his service shuttled from hospital to hospital, starting out at a field station then to Chattanooga and Nashville in Tennessee and then Jeffersonville, Indiana. Coming back to Ohio he went to hospitals in Cleveland, Cincinnati, Camp Dennison and finally mustered out from one in Columbus at the end of the war.

One biography states, 'He was shot through the right arm by a minie-ball, which completely disabled it, the bone being shot out for two inches and shattered from three to four inches.During this time he suffered greatly and many pieces of bone worked out of his arm.'

Mosteller said, 'He was missing two inches of bone between his elbow and shoulder, but once he swung his arm up he could still use it. He built the family house on 2236 3rd street on his own.'

'My brother said he used to scare kids by winding it around like a rubber band and letting it twist back into place.'

Shumway returned to Cuyahoga Falls after the Civil War and spent the rest of his life here. He ran a drug store for fifteen years and then became a farmer. He held a number of public jobs as well. When he died in December of 1928, a Falls Reporter obituary said, 'He was a former postmaster here and a member of the city council and was instrumental in establishing the municipal waterworks system.' Mosteller said, 'He was 88-years-old when I rode in the Memorial Day Parade with him. I'm 88-years-old now.'

She will be riding in Model A Ford sponsored by the General A. C. Voris Camp, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. The Civil War Color Guard to march in front of her belongs to the Fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry reenactors. The original Fifth Ohio fought in many of same battles of the Atlanta Campaign as Shumway's regiment.

Following the city's regular Memorial Service in Oakwood Cemetery, the Voris Camp and the Fifth Ohio will dedicate a Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) marker at Shumway's Grave in Oakwood Cemetery.

The GAR was the most popular and powerful of all Civil War Veterans organizations. It provided relief to local veterans, supported state veteran's homes and the Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home in Xenia, Ohio.
It also lobbied Washington for soldier's pensions.

Shumway was active in the local Eadie Post of the GAR, serving in many positions including Commander. When the Eadie Post folded due to age and mortality, Shumway joined Akron's Buckley Post.

The Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War were originally an auxiliary of the GAR. The Voris Camp will perform an original GAR burial Service as part of the dedication ceremony.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Photos from Drill

New 5th OVI pics have been posted on www.5thohio.com from the unit's annual drill weekend in Lodi, Ohio.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

5th OVI 2008 Schedule

The unit schedule for the 2008 reenacting season is now posted at www.5thohio.com on the "Unit Events" page.

Contact Ken with any questions. Now let's get out there and shoot somebody!!

Monday, March 31, 2008

May Division School of Instruction



I hope your unit is planning on attending the School of Instruction on May 16-18, 2008. The site for the School will be Camp Markle just outside of West Newton, PA. It is off of Route 136 about 3-4 miles out of town.

Historically, Camp Markle was a Camp of Instruction, rendezvous camp, for the Sewickley Rifles in September of 1862. They were earmarked to be part of the 100th PVI. However, the 105th PVI also forming a regiment at that time was short one company to be officially a regiment. The captain of the Sewickley Rifles offered the commanding officer of the 105th PVI the company he had formed in exchange for the rank of Major in the 105th. This being agreed to, the Sewickley Rifles became Company E of the 105th PVI. The parade "march" that we will re-enact on Sunday afternoon is the same route that the Sewickley Rifles did in going to the train station in West Newton when going off to join the regiment and fight in the war. Also, this same ground was used as a camp by the Continental Army when organized to put down the Whiskey Rebellion in the late 1700's. Bottom line is this. We will be holding a camp of instruction, which we all need to brush off the rust from the winter, and hold a living history at the same time, while on historical ground used for the same purpose. Lastly, we will be supporting a fellow unit member (105th PVI) of Birney's Division at the same time.

As you can see from the Birney's Division website, we have a full schedule of quality instruction and activities to make it a worthwhile weekend.

In the way of perks to attend this school the Sergeant Major has obtained the following:

1. Eighty-five $20.00 gas cards awarded to those that participate in the Sunday parade. Also, all participants will receive a "housewife" and a bible for participating. The Sergeant Major will be arranging school bus transportation back to the camp from the train station after the march. For the older soldiers that may not be up to a four mile march, the bus will drop them off for the last leg of the march to the train station. It's about a mile down hill. They would still receive the gas card. If you carpool to this event, your gas should almost be paid for by these gas cards!!!

2. A live firing competition will be held near the camp.Yes, of course in a safe place and direction. The winner will receive a $100 award. The competitors will need to bring their own balls (bullets), but the event will provide the measured rounds of powder.

3. For a $10.00 fee, the event will provide a breakfast on Saturday (pancakes, syrup, and sausage) and Sunday (fruit) , a Saturday lunch (Sandwich, ham and cheese, and soup), and Saturday dinner (pig roast or prime rib with a potato and vegetable side). Please bring your own plates, utensils. Beverages are on your own. To ensure enough food is purchased and prepared, the fee must be paid no later that Friday May 2, 2008 when you register. See registration form.

4. The net proceeds of the event fee of this school will be donated to the preservation of a needy monument at the Gettysburg National Military Park. The selected monument will be announced on the Birney's Division website after the event.

Gentlemen, if you have any questions, please contact me. The registration deadline, registration form available on the Birney's Division website, is Friday, May 2, 2008.

Paul D. Baltzer, Colonel
Infantry Brigade Commander
Birney's Division

Thursday, March 20, 2008

No 5th OVI Meeting for March

The meeting for Thursday, March 20th, 2008 has been cancelled. We will see you next month on April 17th.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Reenacting deals now online

Howdy pards,

One of the big hurtles in our hobby has been the price of the uniforms and equipment we need. Well, I have found the wholesale manufacturer that just about all of the sutlers order from and I set up an account. Look at my prices and you will see how much we are getting gouged by the sutlers.

Go to www.tinywarriors.com and click on the "Civil War Reenacting Gear" link down the left side.

Your servant,

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Birney's Division School of Instruction

I hope that your winterquarters are comfortable and the time with friends and family is a welcome change from the riggers of the campaigns of last year.

In looking to prepare for the campaigns of this upcoming year, as you all know, we have scheduled a School of Instruction for May 16-18, 2008. The site for the School will be Camp Markle just outside of West Newton, PA. It is off of Route 136 about 3-4miles out of town.

Historically, Camp Markle was a Camp of Instruction, rendezvous camp, for the Sewickley Rifles in September of 1862. They were earmarked to be part of the 100th PVI. However, the 105th PVI also forming a regiment at that time was short one company to be officially a regiment. The captain of the Sewickley Rifles offered the commanding officer of the 105th PVI the company he had formed in exchange for the rank of Major in the 105th. This being agreed to, the Sewickley Rifles became Company E of the 105th PVI. The parade "march" that we will re-enact on Sunday afternoon is the same route that the Sewickley Rifles did in going to the train station in West Newton when going off to join the regiment and fight in the war. Also, this same ground was used as a camp by the Continental Army when organized to put down the Whiskey Rebellion in the late 1700's. Bottom line is this. We will be holding a camp of instruction, which we all need to brush off the rust from the winter, and hold a living history at the same time, while on historical ground used for the same purpose. Lastly, we will be supporting a fellow unit member (105th PVI) of Birney's Division at the same time.

1. If you sign up for the Sunday march to the West Newton train station the first 56 will receive a $20.00 gas card, and all will receive a "housewife" and a bible for participating. We are negotiating to increase the number of gas cards, so that number might increase. The Sergeant Major will be arranging school bus transportation back to the camp from the train station after the march. For the older soldiers that may not be up to a four mile march, the bus will drop them off for the last leg of the march to the train station. It's about a mile down hill. They would still receive the gas card.

2. A live firing competition will be held near the camp. Yes, of course in a safe place and direction. The winner will receive a $100.00. The competitors will need to bring their own balls (bullets), but the event will provide the measured rounds of powder.

3. For a $10.00 fee, the event will provide a breakfast on Saturday (pancakes, syrup, and sausage) and Sunday (fruit), a Saturday lunch (Sandwich, ham and cheese, and soup), and Saturday dinner (pig roast or prime rib with a potato and vegetable side). Please bring your own plates, utensils. Beverages are on your own To ensure enough food is purchased and prepared, the fee must be paid no later that Friday May 2, 2008 when you register. See registration form.
4. The net proceeds of the event fee of this school will be donated to the preservation of a needy monument at the Gettysburg National Military Park. The selected monument will be announced on the Birney's Division website after the event.

CLICK HERE to download the Registration Form.

CLICK HERE to download the Schedule.


Paul D. Baltzer, Colonel
Infantry Brigade Commander
Birney's Division

Monday, February 11, 2008

Reeanctor's Auction Web Site Launches

Hi all,

A friend came up with a great idea that is now being launched. It is a great way to sell that extra reenacting junk we all have. Check it out.


We are extremely excited to announce the launch of a new and revolutionary, much needed buying and selling venue for Civil War reenactors.

Up to this point the only other known auction site that reenactors have used for this purpose has been ebay. We have all sifted through thousands of trinket sellers to find the hard goods we need and desire. If you have sold anything on ebay you know that you paid high listing fees and after your items sold, you were charged the current final fee rate of 8.75% (in most cases and graduated as the amount of purchase price rises). We experienced this and felt there should be a better alternative. Thus the Civil War Reenactors Auction was born.

We have set this site up in a clear and user-friendly format that will bring buyers to your products quickly and easily. We feature free listings on unlimited items for reenactors wanting to sell their used goods, and a store set up for serious sellers to market their product in an on-line setting that can build and establish a brand recognition for their business. The store set up is a very affordable $10 per month with unlimited free listings.

It is predicted that this new auction site will become the main method for reenactors to buy and sell the goods associated with our hobby in the future. You can gather up the items that we all have and get busy selling them on-line. AND make great money doing it!

Keep in mind that this is a fresh out-of-the-box auction site and is just now being launched. You may not see a ton of items the first day, but if everyone gets the word it won't be long till a load of stuff will be up and for sale.

Take a look, register, and come back often to see it grow.


Any questions mail us at
