The following is a link to the registration form for the Birney's Division 2d Battalion drill weekend at Hale Farm & Village on April 16th, 2011. Please download and complete this form, then send in with your registration fee of $2.00 (to cover the early evening meal being provided).
Click here for registration.
All Federal units are welcome. Come help us kick off the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
2d Battalion drill update
More information is coming together about the Civil War Federal infantry drill camp on April 16th at Hale Farm and Village in Bath, OH.
The training is Saturday only but the camp will be established Friday evening for those units who wish to come in and set up, as well as enjoy social time. We will be camping around Hale Farm's "First Settlement" cabin which is an original structure from 1805 that had been located at Wingfoot Lake in Suffield Township.
Reveille will be on Saturday morning at 7 am. The Battalion will be formed and break into companies to start with School of the Soldier, School of the Company, and eventually end the day with School of the Battalion. This will give Company Commanders and NCOs a chance to exercise their craft. We will also cover safety and use of period equipment.
Hale Farm and Village will be open to the public around 10 am and visitors will have a chance to watch as reenactors train in the maneuvers and tactics of 18 Century military infantry.
Units are invited to stay over Saturday evening for the final night of Hale Farm's critically acclaimed "A Fugitive's Path: Escape on the Underground Railroad" program. It it's 12th year, hundreds of visitors attend and are guided through a series of scenarios as they experience the trials faced by runaway slaves escaping north to freedom. For the first time, military Civil War reenactors from the Battalion have been asked to participate in the scenarios and bring a larger scale to the program.
Registration information for the drill weekend will be released in the next few weeks. Units who are not members of Birny's Division may request to participate by contacting
For more information and directions to Hale Farm and Village, visit
The training is Saturday only but the camp will be established Friday evening for those units who wish to come in and set up, as well as enjoy social time. We will be camping around Hale Farm's "First Settlement" cabin which is an original structure from 1805 that had been located at Wingfoot Lake in Suffield Township.
Reveille will be on Saturday morning at 7 am. The Battalion will be formed and break into companies to start with School of the Soldier, School of the Company, and eventually end the day with School of the Battalion. This will give Company Commanders and NCOs a chance to exercise their craft. We will also cover safety and use of period equipment.
Hale Farm and Village will be open to the public around 10 am and visitors will have a chance to watch as reenactors train in the maneuvers and tactics of 18 Century military infantry.
Units are invited to stay over Saturday evening for the final night of Hale Farm's critically acclaimed "A Fugitive's Path: Escape on the Underground Railroad" program. It it's 12th year, hundreds of visitors attend and are guided through a series of scenarios as they experience the trials faced by runaway slaves escaping north to freedom. For the first time, military Civil War reenactors from the Battalion have been asked to participate in the scenarios and bring a larger scale to the program.
Registration information for the drill weekend will be released in the next few weeks. Units who are not members of Birny's Division may request to participate by contacting
For more information and directions to Hale Farm and Village, visit
Sunday, February 06, 2011
Ohio Civil War 150th Kick Off Event
April 10, 2011
The Ohio National Guard, Ohio Civil War 150th Anniversary Committee and others are hosting this event to formally kick off the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War in Ohio. It will be held on the grounds of the Ohio Statehouse. The day will have 2 distinct events.
The morning will have a brunch in the Statehouse. There will be artifacts, including conserved Battle Flags on display. The brunch speaker will be Wes Cowan from History Detectives. Cost has not been set yet, but it will be a fundraiser. Any funds raised will go to Ohio's Battle Flag Preservation efforts.
In the afternoon we will have a living history program, also on the Statehouse Grounds. Hopefully, this event will include remarks from the Governor of Ohio among other things. The Army of the Ohio will be coordinating the reenactor side of things and members of Birney's Division have been asked to join in. Activities will include a small encampment, a recreation of the mustering in of the 1st OVI (they mustered in April 17, 1861), a mass formation of reenactors and their flags (units are asked to bring their colors, both regimental and state), a firing detail and also displays from modern Ohio National Guard Units. Seven current ONG units trace roots back to the Civil War.
For those units who wish to participate, please contact Lt Col Christopher Smith at as soon as possible.
The Ohio National Guard, Ohio Civil War 150th Anniversary Committee and others are hosting this event to formally kick off the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War in Ohio. It will be held on the grounds of the Ohio Statehouse. The day will have 2 distinct events.
The morning will have a brunch in the Statehouse. There will be artifacts, including conserved Battle Flags on display. The brunch speaker will be Wes Cowan from History Detectives. Cost has not been set yet, but it will be a fundraiser. Any funds raised will go to Ohio's Battle Flag Preservation efforts.
In the afternoon we will have a living history program, also on the Statehouse Grounds. Hopefully, this event will include remarks from the Governor of Ohio among other things. The Army of the Ohio will be coordinating the reenactor side of things and members of Birney's Division have been asked to join in. Activities will include a small encampment, a recreation of the mustering in of the 1st OVI (they mustered in April 17, 1861), a mass formation of reenactors and their flags (units are asked to bring their colors, both regimental and state), a firing detail and also displays from modern Ohio National Guard Units. Seven current ONG units trace roots back to the Civil War.
For those units who wish to participate, please contact Lt Col Christopher Smith at as soon as possible.
Event at the James Garfield Home
September 10-11, 2011
The National Park Service is in need of an additional l 10-15 soldiers to fill out our roster for this living history event at the home of Civil War General Games Garfield in Mentor, Ohio ( Includes the usual amenities along with breakfast both days. Camping is on the grounds behind General Garfield's home.
Plans are to hold the encampments over the next five years in conjunction with the 150th anniversary.
There will be no admission which should provide for good attendance both days.
For more information, please contact:
Scott Longert
Park Guide
James A. Garfield National Historic Site
The National Park Service is in need of an additional l 10-15 soldiers to fill out our roster for this living history event at the home of Civil War General Games Garfield in Mentor, Ohio ( Includes the usual amenities along with breakfast both days. Camping is on the grounds behind General Garfield's home.
Plans are to hold the encampments over the next five years in conjunction with the 150th anniversary.
There will be no admission which should provide for good attendance both days.
For more information, please contact:
Scott Longert
Park Guide
James A. Garfield National Historic Site
Ohio 150th February Update

Upcoming Events
Feb 12: Lincoln’s Birthday
Feb 21: President’s Day
Feb 26: T-County History Patriot Rally
Regional CW150 Informational Meetings
What exciting Civil War 150 events are you planning? Come share your ideas at CW150 Regional Meetings. This is your chance to promote your upcoming event network with event and advertising partners and gather some great resources. Two meetings will be held for you to come share your CW150 ideas.
- March 16th @ 5pm at the Tuscarawas County Convention and Visitors Bureau
- May 18th @ 5pm at the Dennison Railroad Depot Museum
Great Resources for Your Great Programs
Each month, check for an updated list of Re-enactors/Impersonators/Speakers or other resources that you can use to plan your events.
- How to be added to the Ohio Civil War 150’s Calendar of Events
- Bookmarks
- Potential partners and packaging ideas
- Contacts
- Ohio Humanities Council’s Civil War 150 Speaker Corps
- Resources Binder for CW150 Regions 5 and 10
Save the date!!!
Here are some upcoming events to mark on your calendar!
- March 12- Dennison Depot Murder Mystery Dinner
- April 9- Zoar Village Civil War Kick Off
- April 10- Ohio Historical Society CW150 Kick Off
- May 7&8- Re-enactment at Beaver Creek and McCook House Encampment
- May 18- Regional Informational Meeting at the Dennison Depot
- June 24, 25, 26- Dennison Depot Soldiers Festival
For more information and to get on the email list, contact Kate McFadden at the Dennison Railroad Depot Museum,, 877-278-8020.
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
January Meeting
Members of the 5th OVI held their first 2011 planning meeting on Thursday, January 27th. I want to thank everyone for coming out, including a new potential member in John Hamilton. Those in attendance were Hillegass, Hooverman, Eger, Herchek, Slattery, Simich, Wilde, and Smith.
I thought the meeting went well. Here are brief summaries of what was discussed.
1) Captain Kaminski's injury will keep him out for most if not all the year. The unit decided to follow the by laws and have Sergeant Slattery step up to Captain. Ray gladly took on the responsibility. The 1st Sergeant and Corporal positions will be filled by the current elections.
2) 2010 Treasury. We ended up with a balance of $250.37. This amount will be reduced by our 2010 Historic Preservation donation (below).
3) 2010 Historic Preservation Donation: We will decide our donation and amount at the February meeting. Ideas so far: Army of Ohio fundraiser for the 23rd Ohio flag restoration. 5th Ohio monument at Gettysburg (if they take individual monument donations),and wreaths at Arlington or Western Reserve Cemeteries.
4) Recruiting update: We placed an ad in a Medina County paper, and our investigating other local papers. We would like to do another day at a local bookstore, such as Barnes & Noble. If anyone can assist with that, please let someone know. Website upgrade. Chris Smith is putting the final touches on this. Thanks Chris!
5) 2011 Events. We picked the following events as our Maximum effort events for the year. At the February meeting we will be making a final decision on a couple of other opportunities, including the Cleveland International Tattoo at Nautica Stage and Remembrance Day.
April 16th: Birney's 2nd Division Drill day at Hale Farm.This will be held on a normal business day for Hale Farm, and in conjunction with their excellent Underground Railroad program. It was suggested that we set up a recruiting stand during the day. We will need everyone to help out manning the table. There is no registration fee, but I will need to know who is coming sometime in mid March.
May 28-29: Burton Civil War Encampment.We will be attending this event with Birney's 2nd Division. The registration fee is $8 per person, and will be due by May 1st. Walk on registration is $10.00.
May 30: Cuyahoga Falls Memorial Day Parade.
July 23-24: 150th Anniversary of Manassas.
This is the big one for the year. $20.00 per person fee. Registration closes on June 1st. Use this link to check out the registration information.
It appears that individual registration is the way to go, so I won't be doing a unit registration. Please do however let me know once you've registered. We will be attending with the Army of Ohio for this event, so make sure and indicate both the 5th Ohio Co. H and the AoO. The Army of Ohio will be portraying the 1st Ohio at the event (and also Zoar). They are wanting (not requiring) everyone to try and dress similar. They are working on compiling a source list for purchasing the items if you don't have them. Listed is the suggested uniform.
4 Button Sack coat
Red flannel or battle shirt
Dark Blue Trousers
Hardee or other black hat
OVM buckle, cartridge box plate, and Ohio breast plate
August 13-14: Hale Farm & Village.We will be attending with Birney's 2nd Division. Registration is $10.00, due by July 15th.
September 17-18: Zoar.We will be attending with the Army of Ohio. Registration is $10.00, due by July 15th. Walk on fee is $15.00.
Ken Hillegass
I thought the meeting went well. Here are brief summaries of what was discussed.
1) Captain Kaminski's injury will keep him out for most if not all the year. The unit decided to follow the by laws and have Sergeant Slattery step up to Captain. Ray gladly took on the responsibility. The 1st Sergeant and Corporal positions will be filled by the current elections.
2) 2010 Treasury. We ended up with a balance of $250.37. This amount will be reduced by our 2010 Historic Preservation donation (below).
3) 2010 Historic Preservation Donation: We will decide our donation and amount at the February meeting. Ideas so far: Army of Ohio fundraiser for the 23rd Ohio flag restoration. 5th Ohio monument at Gettysburg (if they take individual monument donations),and wreaths at Arlington or Western Reserve Cemeteries.
4) Recruiting update: We placed an ad in a Medina County paper, and our investigating other local papers. We would like to do another day at a local bookstore, such as Barnes & Noble. If anyone can assist with that, please let someone know. Website upgrade. Chris Smith is putting the final touches on this. Thanks Chris!
5) 2011 Events. We picked the following events as our Maximum effort events for the year. At the February meeting we will be making a final decision on a couple of other opportunities, including the Cleveland International Tattoo at Nautica Stage and Remembrance Day.
April 16th: Birney's 2nd Division Drill day at Hale Farm.This will be held on a normal business day for Hale Farm, and in conjunction with their excellent Underground Railroad program. It was suggested that we set up a recruiting stand during the day. We will need everyone to help out manning the table. There is no registration fee, but I will need to know who is coming sometime in mid March.
May 28-29: Burton Civil War Encampment.We will be attending this event with Birney's 2nd Division. The registration fee is $8 per person, and will be due by May 1st. Walk on registration is $10.00.
May 30: Cuyahoga Falls Memorial Day Parade.
July 23-24: 150th Anniversary of Manassas.
This is the big one for the year. $20.00 per person fee. Registration closes on June 1st. Use this link to check out the registration information.
It appears that individual registration is the way to go, so I won't be doing a unit registration. Please do however let me know once you've registered. We will be attending with the Army of Ohio for this event, so make sure and indicate both the 5th Ohio Co. H and the AoO. The Army of Ohio will be portraying the 1st Ohio at the event (and also Zoar). They are wanting (not requiring) everyone to try and dress similar. They are working on compiling a source list for purchasing the items if you don't have them. Listed is the suggested uniform.
4 Button Sack coat
Red flannel or battle shirt
Dark Blue Trousers
Hardee or other black hat
OVM buckle, cartridge box plate, and Ohio breast plate
August 13-14: Hale Farm & Village.We will be attending with Birney's 2nd Division. Registration is $10.00, due by July 15th.
September 17-18: Zoar.We will be attending with the Army of Ohio. Registration is $10.00, due by July 15th. Walk on fee is $15.00.
Ken Hillegass