Friday, October 21, 2011

November Meeting Change

Well, Captain Slattery has started a trend. It was voted at last night’s meeting among those members present that we change our November meeting place from the Northwest Avenue Church of Christ to Primo's Deli in Akron, Ohio. We will meet at the same time at 7:00 pm and hope to see you all there. Oh, here is their website so you can check out their menu as well as get directions:

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Meeting Place Changed

The meeting set for this Thursday (October 20th, 2011) has been moved at the request of Captain Slattery to Rockne's in Chapel Hill. They are located just up the street from Northwest Avenue Church of Christ at 1203 Bailey Rd, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221. We will meet at the same time around 7:00 pm. Hope to see you there.