Friday, January 27, 2012

Meeting Notes

Greetings All,

I just wanted to send out some meeting notes from our little powwow last night. The events we have chosen were attached in an email that was sent out to everyone. The others that we had questions on will be discussed at future meetings for example the two Antietam events. We were still up in the air on which one to attend as well as if we did the "nit picker" one which battalion we would fall in with. So, I will try to gather more information on both events for the next meeting in February. I just want to take a moment to thank Ken Hillegass again for his years as Chairman and wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors. Those in attendance were Tom Wilde, Mark Hooverman, Ray Slattery, Tom Simich, Andrew Augustynovich, Dan Houston, Dan Slattery, Andy Kaminski, Ken Hillegass, and a special appearance by Scott Butler. Just a reminder to please pay your due as soon as you can! The 5th's Treasury is very low and if we want to have picnics, Christmas parties, and give donations we need all of your help. Also, just wanted to let everyone know about a change of procedure I will be making as your newly elected Chairman. When wanting me to register you for an event, I will ask that the money be paid up front or you are on your own. I will not take from the treasury and have you pay me at a later time. That method has depleted our funds drastically and we need to make an effort to replenish it. Once, I get a tally from Ken on who still owes money from events not paid for I will be coming around to collect. Finally, I want to congratulate Ray Slattery for being re-elected as our Captain and to Andy Kaminski for being elected to 1st Sgt. for like the 100th time or something. Oh, keep an eye out in your email box for the first edition of this year's newsletter; I know you’re just as excited as I am. Take care and see you all at the next meeting.


Brian S. Herchek

Chairman, 5th Ohio

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Birney's Division goes to Antietam(s)

Good morning everyone. On behalf of General Kelley, thank you for giving us your unit feedback on the two different Antietam events this September. There has been much debate but based on your feedback, it looks as if the desire to go to one event over the other is pretty much split down the middle. This is also true of our sister organization, the Federal Volunteer Brigade (FVB) at least from an infantry standpoint. Their 1st Battalion has chosen Sharpsburg and their 2d Battalion will be attending Maryland, My Maryland.

As General Kelley has said, units are free to attend either (or both) events. Birney’s Division will be there to support you with a command structure either way. Our organization is large enough to support two major events and create a great experience for all of us as reenactors. So here is the plan…

The 150th Anniversary Antietam/Sharpsburg Reenactment
Sept. 14-16, 2012
Location: Near Sharpsburg, MD
Federal Commander: Rick Dussinger, USV
Confederate Commander: Brian Gesuero, PACS

Colonel Rohrbaugh will be the commanding the Birney’s infantry at the Sharpsburg event for those units attending. His relationship with those in the Gettysburg reenacting community that are involved in putting on the event is of great benefit for our members. The Birney’s artillery and cavalry will also be attending this event under separate commands. Birney’s will be working with the 1st Battalion of the FVB at this event.

As information and logistics are available, Colonel Rohrbaugh will send out emails. Please respond in a timely manner.

Maryland, My Maryland: The 150th Battles of South Mountain and Antietam
Sept. 7-9, 2012
Location: Boonsboro, MD
Federal Commander: Mike Lavis, Army of the Ohio
Confederate Commander: Jake Janette, ANV (update to web site)

Colonel Chris Smith will be commanding the Birney’s Infantry at Maryland, My Maryland. Chris has a great relationship with both Federal Commander Mike Lavis from the Army of the Ohio and Confederate Commander Jake Jennette of the ANV. Many of the people 2d Battalion works with in Ohio and Western PA will be in attendance. Birney’s will be working with the 2d Battalion of the FVB at this event.

IMPORTANT!! Make sure you register for the CORRECT event your unit is attending. DO NOT accidently register for the wrong event. If you have a question, check with your company commander or 1st Sergeant.

If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to email either Denny Rohrbaugh ( or Chris Smith ( September is still a way off. We are looking forward to seeing all of you in the field soon as the 2012 reenacting season kicks off!

Friday, January 20, 2012


The meeting scheduled for last night January 19th was cancelled due to the weather. Any person that still ventured out and made it, I do apologize for not getting the word out sooner that the meeting was cancelled. If you did make it I applaud you for your dedication. Now, we will try again next Thursday, January 26th at the same bat time same bat place. Take care and try to stay warm. Hope to you see you all next week.

Brian S. Herchek
Candidate for Captain of the 5th Ohio

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Just wanted to send out a reminder about the meeting next Thursday, January 19th. This is our 2012 planning meeting, so please attend as we want to get your feedback on events and activities for the upcoming year. The meeting is at the Northwest Avenue Church of Christ located at the corner of Northwest Avenue and North Thomas Road, approximately 1/4 mi southeast of the six corners intersection of Brittian Rd, Howe Road, Northwest Ave (Tallmadge) and Tallmadge Ave (Cuyahoga Falls). The meeting starts at 7:00 pm and will have on of rooms to use, and I will be bringing special treat for everyone. Hope to see you there.

Brian S. Herchek
Candidate for Captain of the 5th Ohio