Wednesday, December 12, 2012

GAC 150th Gettysburg Federal Commander's update

To Brothers and Sisters in Arms,

Another Remembrance Day is in the books and just a fond memory, but it is one filled with many great moments and successes for the 150th Gettysburg Anniversary National Civil War Battle Reenactment and the Command Staffs. It was truly impressive to be able to meet with fellow Reenactors to discuss the event, site preparations, the special events the week before, scenarios, the battlefield , concerns, suggestions and in general the hobby. General Gesuero and his staff along with myself and the Federal Command staff embraced these opportunities to make sure that there was a never seen before level of communication on this event or any other event on such a personal level. I have to agree with General Gesuero that whether it was on the streets and pubs of Gettysburg Thursday and Friday night, at the parade on Saturday or during the social hosted by the GAC after the parade, the enthusiasm and response was enormous. The social was a great success with many attending, pushing the occupancy limits of the Mine to its breaking point. But more importantly, it gave all those in attendance a chance to communicate about the event. The ability to talk one on one with staff members and the commanders made for some very open and informative communication. "By Reenactors, for Reenactors," is what we heard over and over that weekend.

The first site meeting for the 150th Gettysburg Anniversary National Civil War Battle Reenactment was held on Sunday afternoon with all of the Federal Command represented along with the Confederate Command - more than fifty in attendance. General Geseuro and I conducted a tour of the entire site including expanded battlefield area, tactical areas, and camps. Additionally as the two wagon loads of staff traversed the property, attendees were able to view the 6 new stream crossing areas. All in attendance were in agreement that the site really has endless possibilities.

The site tour was finished up with a brief meeting with the Division and Branch commands. They and their staffs were given homework packets consisting of all the scenarios and maps of the battlefield. They have been charged with providing input on how to best utilize the battlefield to make this an epic event. An assignment that many Division Commanders have requested. The 150th Gettysburg Anniversary National Civil War Battle Reenactment will truly be a team effort from start to finish to produce a quality event in which we all can be proud.

Current registration numbers are reaching 3000. These numbers represent participants from over 20 different organizations from the United States and several foreign countries.

General Gesuero and I, along with our collective staffs, continue to work hard to ensure a quality team that will deliver an event "by Reenactors, for Reenactors," with the event organizers provide the the best logistical and infrastructure support as possible to help make the 150th Gettysburg Anniversary National Civil War Battle Reenactment will be an event that we will be proud of and always remember.

In closing let me wish you and your families a joyous Holiday Season and a prosperous New Year. If you're in Gettysburg please feel free to contact me or look me up.

Major General Allen W. Baldwin

Update for two 150th National Reenactment beneficiaries

The Gettysburg Anniversary Committee had previously announced that $5 of every Reenactor registration fee will be donated to five local beneficiary's on behalf of the 150th Gettysburg National Civil War Reenactment. They are the Adams County Historical Society, The Gettysburg Museum At
The Gettysburg Anniversary Committee had previously announced that $5 of every Reenactor registration fee will be donated to five local beneficiary's on behalf of the 150th Gettysburg National Civil War Reenactment. They are the Adams County Historical Society, The Gettysburg Museum At Seminary Ridge, Land Conservancy Of Adams County, The SGT MAC National Wreath Project and Preservation and Improvement Of The Eisenhower Iron Bridge and Sachs Mill Covered Bridge. Even thought the event is still six months away we are proud to provide an update and progress on two of these projects. Within the next month the unique and historic 1886 Eisenhower Iron Bridge will be re-opened again to foot and bicycle traffic. In a public/private partnership trees have been trimmed and all new oak planks have been installed. Painting will be done this spring. Approximately $4000 for the materials was donated by The Gettysburg Anniversary Committee and The Tim Shields Family.

The SGT MAC Foundation, National Wreath Project and Scholarship has been supported consistently by GAC since local Marine Sgt. Eric McCollley was killed in a helicopter crash off the coast of Africa in 2006. GAC Operations Manager knew Eric well. He was an Eagle Scout in Randy's scout troop, was on the high school swim team with Randy's daughter and lifeguarded at the local pool. SGT MAC board member, and local veteran's advocate Marine Stan Clark, facilitates the very popular Patriotic Area at the event each year. Visitors write comments of appreciation on numerous banners and the banners are delivered to appreciative combat troops. Included are photos of the almost completed Eisenhower Metal Bridge, combat unit displaying their banner that was taken into battle, a scene from last Friday's distribution of 1800 wreaths in Gettysburg's Soldiers National Cemetery and GAC Operations Manager Randy Phiel pausing last Saturday beside Sgt McColley's gravesite after helping to distribute and place 5400 wreaths at Quantico National Cemetery. Over 150 volunteers at Gettysburg, and 500 volunteers at Quantico participated in the placement and commemoration on November 30 and December 1. Despite Giant Food providing wreaths at cost and ABF Freight donating transportation the cost the year was $56,000. There is no overhead or administrative fees. Every penny goes to the project. The goal is 10,000 wreaths by the 10th anniversary in 2016. If you would like to consider donating to or participating in this patriotic project contact Stan Clark at or go to We urge your contribution and participation. If you have the opportunity in the next six weeks to walk through the Soldiers National Cemetery or drive through Quantico and see the results - it will be a visual and emotional experience. The photo collage documents: Improvements at the Eisenhower 1886 Iron Bridge - The National Wreath Project at Gettysburg Soldier's National Cemetery, Friday November 30, 2012 - Sgt Eric McColley Gravesite, Quantico National Cemetery, December 1, 2012 - Patriotic Area Banner, Combat Unit of 3rd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment in Marjah, Afghanistan.

A rare opportunity for unique Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary skirmishes

Planning is progressing very nicely between The Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary, Generals Baldwin/Gesuero and GAC with highly anticipated results for two exciting and unique skirmishes prior to the 150th Gettysburg event on July 4-7 - camping and living history at The Lutheran Seminary on June 29 & 30.

The skirmishes will be on the actual ground and around these historic buildings. Military Command and the organizers are also involved in planning a Cavalry Battle in Hunterstown. One skirmish will be on Saturday morning June 29 and the other Sunday afternoon June 30. The Calvary Battle in Huntertown will be either Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Participating units will also be providing ceremonial responsibilities for the Monday grand opening of The Gettysburg Museum At Seminary Ridge - home of The Historic Old Dorm and its famous cupola. Schmucker Hall is called the most historic privately held building in Gettysburg.

Besides the two skirmishes there will also be limited opportunities for camping and living history from Friday, June 28 through Tuesday July 2. These are rare and unique opportunities only made possible through local contacts, resources and a track record of responsibility.

Please contact Colonel Rorhbaugh ( regarding these opportunities.