Thursday, June 06, 2013

Gettysburg Reenactor Registration, Walk-Ons and Cars In Camp

General reenactor registration closed June 3 for the purpose of preparing on-site registration check in materials. Living History closed May 15 and will not be open to walk-ons. There are now approximately 10,000 registered reenactors, 135 cannon including several horse-drawn and approximately 400 horses. The living history area will be 700 strong. Final numbers before walk-ons are still being entered. Military walk-ons will be accepted at the event registration beginning Tuesday July 2 at 8:00 AM. Walk-ons not belonging to a recognized registered unit will be assigned to a provisional unit with no exceptions. Walk-ons must show identification and sign all the necessary waivers and safety acknowledgements before being allowed to enter the camps. All reenactors will receive a Reenactor Information Sheet with a variety of useful information at registration.

Some participants voiced concern regarding Thursday and Friday arrival. We heard their concern and cars will be allowed in camp to unload both Thursday & Friday until dusk. After unloading, the vehicle must be removed from camp immediately to Reenactor Parking. Your cooperation promptly removing your vehicle is appreciated out of respect for your comrades and for the integrity of the event. Military Command will closely monitor this policy. Friday evening will conclude vehicles being allowed in camps - until horse trailers are allowed back in camp after the morning cavalry battle, to avoid horses sitting in the heat at the site or on the highway. Absolutely no other vehicles will be allowed in camp until the final battle is completed on Sunday afternoon. Each reenactor in the vehicle entering camp must have their own Reenactor Pass to be allowed into camp. If any of the occupants do not have their pass the vehicle will be sent back to registration. Registration is open until 10PM each evening. Please plan you arrival hours accordingly. After 10 pm reenactors will be staged near registration until the next morning. Attempting to drive in and set up camp in the dark is dangerous and disturbing to your comrades already there. Horse and artillery registration is beside the command center and will be well marked. This is an area abut 1/4 mile from general registration with more room for the rigs and allows horses to be taken out of trailers and watered if necessary after a long journey. There will be food service available in the CSA Camp and near the Living History Area for the Federal Camp after Tuesday at 12 pm.