Monday, November 15, 2004

Army of the Ohio Update

The last Army of the Ohio meeting of 2004 was held in Mansfield, Ohio on 13 NOV. The 5th's Capt Buehrle and 1st Sgt Smith attended. The first order of business was the election of 2005 organization administrators and the the field commander. Last year's team, including Chairman Gary Sprang, were reelected. Our new field commander is Colonel Jim Ruley. Jim brings a great deal of experience as the commander of the 30th Ohio and having directed the battalion on the field in a variety of roles ovr the past few years.

Also in the discussion pool was the list of potential events the Army of the Ohio will participate in during the 2005 reenacting season. This list will be discussed at the 5th Ohio monthly meeting on December 9th as we begin to formulate our upcoming schedule.

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