Tuesday, January 11, 2005

5th OVI Soldier's Gathering this Saturday

One of the first events this year will be the Soldier's Gathering at the Camp Workman Tavern on Saturday, January 15th at 7 pm. This is in lieu of the regular meeting on the 2nd Thursday of the month. The address for Camp Workman is 5200 Hayes Rd., Ravenna. Click here for a map link. Parking will be marked.

This will be a uniform activity as the Tavern is a period structure (and no one cares how you smell anyhow). If you have not been there, you really shouldn't miss it. Weapons are not needed but your haversack and eating kit is. I will be preparing beef stew over the hearth and there will be bread from Ken. If a couple other of your strapping military men want to bring a side dish, that would be swell too. Everyone is responsible to bring their own beverage. It is not guaranteed that Jim will have something behind the bar. If he does, I am sure he will be more than happy to make a trade for some legal tender.

This will also be a night for having a pipe or cigar and discussing our events for the season. We have a number of good events to discuss this year, as well as talk about a possible much-needed drill weekend early in the season.

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