On March 12th, the 5th will be conducting it's annual (well...almost) School of the Soldier and Company drill day at Camp Workman in Ravenna.
Just a rundown on the schedule. Friday night will be setup starting at 7 pm. We will establish a command tent and company street. There will also be the usual curousing at the tavern in the late evening. Wood, staw, and water will be provided but food rations are up to you
Formation will start proptly at 9 am Saturday morning. We will shake off some of the rust with the usual manual of arms and then get into the Company drill. This will include, but not be limited to, skimish and bayonette exercises. There will also be a firearms maintenance class, and a field problem that will require teamwork and use of the Company skills. Expect to burn a little powder. We will conclude around 5 pm.
The goal here is to not rehash the same robotic approach to these skills, but to make them "make sense" in how we move and tactically perform as a unit (and as part of a larger formation).
The 51st OVI will have a number of men coming out to drill with us, but we want to see some great numbers from the 5th. If we can field 15 guys for a weekend at Cedar Creek in Virginia, we can certainly get that many for a day right here in our own backyard.
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