(Download your PDF registration forms) and check out the gallery of photos from the last event. You may be famous!
We have 16 Sutlers registered and Camp Chase Fifes and Drums will be performing all weekend. We have also added a Beer Tent! This along with the brothel will keep our 51st Provost extremely busy and remember we can be bribed. Still working on a casino, so that we will have all the vices covered.
Pass the word!
Thank you,
Capt. Mark Gaynor
51st OVI, Co. B.
PS: Also looking for warm bodies to help out with School programs on Friday. We have close to a 1000 students coming for demonstrations of Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery drill and tactics. Just show up by 9:00am and will put you to work.
Hello!. My name is JUAN CARLOS FERNANDEZ BOWLES, Great grandson of John Shirley Bowles.
John Shirley Bowles was born in Harrison, Ohio, USA, on March 24th, 1839.
My interest is obtaining a copy of his birth certificate. As I contacted Ohio Civil Registry, they told me to contact PROBATE COURT. However they only have records back to 1840, which is a year later than he was born.
He was enlisted and participated and even a Civil War heroe. His family -we- are writing a book on him, as we are very proud of him.
We need to access to any records at the 5th Volunteer Cavalry in Ohio, where he registered in 1861 and participated up to 1865 inclusive.
We have documents on his participa- tion on the war. But we need perhaps for any kind person who is near the museum for the 5th volunteer ohio cavalry to apersonate himself and see if you can do something about sumitting a certificate of birth. We were told at the probate court we can obtain on under "force-major" reasons to be issued by the proper authority.
You may contact me:
email:juancarlosfernandezbowles@; or same at
I´d appreciated it.
We have his birthdate from his own
handwriting on a book of the family
he brought when he came here.
If a kind person is willing to help
us, we can mail him a copy of the book he brought from the USA.
John Shirley Bowles
born on the 24th of March, 1839
Thank you again,
P.S.: A book on him is 99% ready just awaiting his birth certificate
as we are enclosing other evidence
from the 5th Volunteer Cavalry of Ohio,-those documents are turning into important part of the book ready to be off the mill.
tks again, JCFB
W.J. Wagoner, Co. A 5th Ohio Cavalry, died in my 3rd great-uncles home in late April of 1865 in Louisburg, NC. He is buried in the local cemetery. His brother J.J. Wagoner visted the grave in April of 1911. Are any of his descendants in your group or does anyone have any additional history of him? If so contact: Al Peoples
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