Friday, March 16, 2012

March 15th Meeting Notes...

Greetings All,

Just a couple of notes from the meeting last night. First and foremost a big, big, big thank you goes out to Heather Terry for brining soup for all of us last night to enjoy. If you were not at the meeting last night you really missed out, because Heather made Taco Soup and it was really, really, really good. So, again thank you Heather for your generosity for making that wonderful soup for all of us. Secondly, is the living history event at the Buckeye Library in Medina scheduled for Saturday, March 31st, 2012 has officially been cancelled. The event was starting to sound more and more like another Hudson fiasco was going to happen. Third, the Corporal ballots have been turned in and counted and the winner is, drum roll please is… Dan Houston! Congratulations to you Dan. Fourth, is we discussed the Antietam event again and the topic was which Battalion we were going to fall in with for the event. The members that were present voted and decided to shelve the topic for the next meeting, so that we had more members present to discus. Fifth, with the cancellation of the living history event that puts our first event of year as the Battalion Drill with the Army of the Ohio on April 21st-22nd in Scio, Ohio. I will be sending out information on where it is located at with directions. There is a registration fee for drill and it is $5.00 which is due by April 7th and after that it is $8.00 for a walk-on fee. There is a wavier form that needs to be signed as well, so if you want me to collect your fee I will need you to sign that form as well. Those I have registered so far is Andy Kaminski, Ray & Dan Slattery, Tim Brown, and Tom Simich. By, the way Tom I have your wavier form signed, but not your registration fee. Finally, thank you to all who showed up last night to the meeting and those people are Andy Kaminski, Andy “Paco” Augustynovich, Mark Hooverman, Dan Slattery, Tim Brown, Tom Simich, and our very special guest Heather Terry. We were able to get some drill in the gym last night, and might I just say Tom Simich did a great job drilling us in fact Ray I would watch out he could give you a run for your money come election time. That is all I have, if I forgot something I will send it out later. Oh, there was talk of wither or not to have our April meeting since we would be meeting the Thursday before the drill weekend. So, if I could get your feedback on that it would be greatly appreciated. Take care.



Chairman, 5th Ohio

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