Monday, June 25, 2012

An Apology...

Greetings All,

I just wanted to send out an email to apologize for the harsh email I sent out a couple of weeks ago about registrations. Please understand that I didn't mean for it to come off nasty, or mean in anyway. I have had two friends of mine (outside of reenacting), and my wife read what I sent out to everybody on the Facebook page. All three said that it was nasty in tone and some parts where I thought I was joking around my wife pointed out that it sounded nasty in tone. So, I offer my dearest apologies to you all and please forgive me if you were offended or upset by my actions. If you still feel that I have crossed a line and wish for me to step down as Chairman, I will do what the membership of the 5th wants. Just know that I didn't mean any disrespect in anyway, and feel horrible about the tone of my email. Once again please forgive me and take care.


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