Greetings All,
I just wanted to thank all of you that came out to Hale Farm this past
weekend. If you missed it you might want to start kicking yourself,
because it was Awesome with a capital "A" baby! Second, is the Maryland
My Maryland (150th Antietam) Event set for September 7th -9th. The last
list I received from the folks putting on the event had the following
folks down as being registered: Andy Kaminski, Ken Hillegass, Kent &
Chris Smith, Zach Delaney, Scott Butler & Son, Carl Emerson, Ray
& Dan Slattery, and Myself. Those that sent in registrations please
let me know ASAP, so I can let Ray know how many people he will be
commanding. Third, is did we decide as a group which battalion to fall
in with? The choices are 2nd Battalion Birney's Division, or Army of the
Ohio, and
they are camping in two different styles. Birney's will be in the
"Garrison" Camp which will feature Company Streets ("A'" tents and
Dogs), then the civilian folks that have Wall Tents will be around the
edge of the Company Streets. The Army of the Ohio will be in the
Military Camp which will have some spots in the woods, and in a field.
The folks that will be in there will have dogs, shelter halves, to no
tents at all, and they are asking no "A" Tents or Wall Tents in this
camp. So, with some folks having both we need to decided which battalion
to go with, because I would like for all of us to camp together.
Fourth, is there a carpool forming? If so please let us know who you
are, because I know I would like to take advantage of that. I thank that
covers it, and take care.
Chairman, 5th Ohio
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