Fellow Reenactors,
It is now coming up on that time of the year again when you must submit your member lists and payment for insurance coverage through the 2015 campaign year. The Reenactors insurance policy for Birney’s Division, through Lloyds of London is due to expire July of 2014. In order for us to renew in time with no break in service, we need to gather our information and funds as quickly as possible, for submission to the insurance carrier for coverage.
The requirements for coverage is that every individual who desires coverage must submit the $8.00 annual premium fee and be included on a list as paid when submitted for coverage by each individual company commander.
Members, who are not paid, will not be covered under this policy. Although this is a blanket policy and does cover those individuals who may be new to hobby or who were not on a company role before the renewal date. We can add those individuals during the season as necessary; however they will be covered under policy until added.
We are not in the insurance business and in no way do we want to force you to purchase this insurance. We do want you to understand, there is some misconception throughout the hobby about coverage and we would like to clear that up at this time. Many believe because this insurance is a blanket policy, you are covered by the policy even if you have not paid the $8.00 premium. This is not true. If a company has 20 members and only provides payment for 10 members, thinking the others will be covered under the blanket policy, is a total misunderstanding of how the policy works. In speaking with the insurance agent it was explained to me that coverage of individual reenactor is determined from the lists your companies submit and we are required to maintain. Our $8.00 premium per person is determined by the total number of members we submit, not by how many we might have.
We strongly recommend that each person military or civilian purchase the insurance. Our hobby can be dangerous even if you never venture on to the battlefield. Liability Insurance is essential to protect your and your families assets against losses that could occur due to a lawsuit resulting in injury where you are found responsible or negligent. This policy covers up to 1 million dollars of protection. For many events today you must provide proof of insurance to even take the field. The policy we have also provides for $350,000 of property damage in the event something gets burned or broken. The policy also contains a small accident/medical protection or personal injury component to members that is first dollar if you have NO personal medical insurance and backs up the plan you have if limits are met. Slips and falls in camps, miles of ropes and stakes between the tents, tripping into a fire pit or the ever present danger of the exhausting heat. One trip in an ambulance to an emergency room for treatment can cost in the thousands.
For the $8.00 per year, the coverage is great and you don’t need to submit claims with your personal (liability) insurance trying to get coverage while explaining when, how and why you need to be covered, if they would even cover it.
Company Represented:
Name of applicant: list each individual as a single
Total number to be insured:
Total of funds sent for insured:
List of events your company plans to attend or sponsor for the term of the policy, all events become Birney’s Division events to be properly insured.
Make checks or money orders payable to: Birney’s Division LLC
Mail checks to: Michael Maffei
1951 Hertford Dr.
South Park, PA 15129