Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Battalion Camp at Hale Farm

I just received an update from Gen Waffler and Hale Farm. Due to the size of our Battalion, Hale Farm is putting us up near the saw mill (click on a picture for a satellite image). This area is within the facility itself but will allow us more room.

I will be on site Friday around 1 pm. We are not to set up prior to the afternoon on Friday due to Hale Farm's insurance requirements. Don Van Meter of the 105th Ohio will also be there to direct you on where to set up.

We will be able to extend our camp into the woods, that will also allow us to forage for wood. However, based on last year, you may want to bring some firewood as a backup if you plan to do a lot of cooking.

DON'T FORGET: The Battalion Pig Roast Saturday night ($6.00 a head). Make sure to email your reservation to fretsnomor238@sbcglobal.net.

Sunday is Western Impression Day. Sack coats and slouch hats if you have them. This is not a requirement.

Looking forward to a big turnout. Please email clsmith@5thohio.com with any questions.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Birney's to go Whole Hog at Hale

As has become a tradition throughout the year, Birney's Division will do a period hog roast Saturday night at the reenactment at Hale Farm next weekend for our soldiers and their families. $6.00 per head will cover our costs and include sides (but ya gotsta bring your own drink).

PLEASE SEND THIS MESSAGE TO ALL OF YOUR UNIT MEMBERS!!! To reserve your meal, you must drop an email as soon as possible to Private "Fire at" Will Coffinbarger, WCoffinbarger@cuyahogavalleychurch.com