Wednesday, December 12, 2012

GAC 150th Gettysburg Federal Commander's update

To Brothers and Sisters in Arms,

Another Remembrance Day is in the books and just a fond memory, but it is one filled with many great moments and successes for the 150th Gettysburg Anniversary National Civil War Battle Reenactment and the Command Staffs. It was truly impressive to be able to meet with fellow Reenactors to discuss the event, site preparations, the special events the week before, scenarios, the battlefield , concerns, suggestions and in general the hobby. General Gesuero and his staff along with myself and the Federal Command staff embraced these opportunities to make sure that there was a never seen before level of communication on this event or any other event on such a personal level. I have to agree with General Gesuero that whether it was on the streets and pubs of Gettysburg Thursday and Friday night, at the parade on Saturday or during the social hosted by the GAC after the parade, the enthusiasm and response was enormous. The social was a great success with many attending, pushing the occupancy limits of the Mine to its breaking point. But more importantly, it gave all those in attendance a chance to communicate about the event. The ability to talk one on one with staff members and the commanders made for some very open and informative communication. "By Reenactors, for Reenactors," is what we heard over and over that weekend.

The first site meeting for the 150th Gettysburg Anniversary National Civil War Battle Reenactment was held on Sunday afternoon with all of the Federal Command represented along with the Confederate Command - more than fifty in attendance. General Geseuro and I conducted a tour of the entire site including expanded battlefield area, tactical areas, and camps. Additionally as the two wagon loads of staff traversed the property, attendees were able to view the 6 new stream crossing areas. All in attendance were in agreement that the site really has endless possibilities.

The site tour was finished up with a brief meeting with the Division and Branch commands. They and their staffs were given homework packets consisting of all the scenarios and maps of the battlefield. They have been charged with providing input on how to best utilize the battlefield to make this an epic event. An assignment that many Division Commanders have requested. The 150th Gettysburg Anniversary National Civil War Battle Reenactment will truly be a team effort from start to finish to produce a quality event in which we all can be proud.

Current registration numbers are reaching 3000. These numbers represent participants from over 20 different organizations from the United States and several foreign countries.

General Gesuero and I, along with our collective staffs, continue to work hard to ensure a quality team that will deliver an event "by Reenactors, for Reenactors," with the event organizers provide the the best logistical and infrastructure support as possible to help make the 150th Gettysburg Anniversary National Civil War Battle Reenactment will be an event that we will be proud of and always remember.

In closing let me wish you and your families a joyous Holiday Season and a prosperous New Year. If you're in Gettysburg please feel free to contact me or look me up.

Major General Allen W. Baldwin

Update for two 150th National Reenactment beneficiaries

The Gettysburg Anniversary Committee had previously announced that $5 of every Reenactor registration fee will be donated to five local beneficiary's on behalf of the 150th Gettysburg National Civil War Reenactment. They are the Adams County Historical Society, The Gettysburg Museum At
The Gettysburg Anniversary Committee had previously announced that $5 of every Reenactor registration fee will be donated to five local beneficiary's on behalf of the 150th Gettysburg National Civil War Reenactment. They are the Adams County Historical Society, The Gettysburg Museum At Seminary Ridge, Land Conservancy Of Adams County, The SGT MAC National Wreath Project and Preservation and Improvement Of The Eisenhower Iron Bridge and Sachs Mill Covered Bridge. Even thought the event is still six months away we are proud to provide an update and progress on two of these projects. Within the next month the unique and historic 1886 Eisenhower Iron Bridge will be re-opened again to foot and bicycle traffic. In a public/private partnership trees have been trimmed and all new oak planks have been installed. Painting will be done this spring. Approximately $4000 for the materials was donated by The Gettysburg Anniversary Committee and The Tim Shields Family.

The SGT MAC Foundation, National Wreath Project and Scholarship has been supported consistently by GAC since local Marine Sgt. Eric McCollley was killed in a helicopter crash off the coast of Africa in 2006. GAC Operations Manager knew Eric well. He was an Eagle Scout in Randy's scout troop, was on the high school swim team with Randy's daughter and lifeguarded at the local pool. SGT MAC board member, and local veteran's advocate Marine Stan Clark, facilitates the very popular Patriotic Area at the event each year. Visitors write comments of appreciation on numerous banners and the banners are delivered to appreciative combat troops. Included are photos of the almost completed Eisenhower Metal Bridge, combat unit displaying their banner that was taken into battle, a scene from last Friday's distribution of 1800 wreaths in Gettysburg's Soldiers National Cemetery and GAC Operations Manager Randy Phiel pausing last Saturday beside Sgt McColley's gravesite after helping to distribute and place 5400 wreaths at Quantico National Cemetery. Over 150 volunteers at Gettysburg, and 500 volunteers at Quantico participated in the placement and commemoration on November 30 and December 1. Despite Giant Food providing wreaths at cost and ABF Freight donating transportation the cost the year was $56,000. There is no overhead or administrative fees. Every penny goes to the project. The goal is 10,000 wreaths by the 10th anniversary in 2016. If you would like to consider donating to or participating in this patriotic project contact Stan Clark at or go to We urge your contribution and participation. If you have the opportunity in the next six weeks to walk through the Soldiers National Cemetery or drive through Quantico and see the results - it will be a visual and emotional experience. The photo collage documents: Improvements at the Eisenhower 1886 Iron Bridge - The National Wreath Project at Gettysburg Soldier's National Cemetery, Friday November 30, 2012 - Sgt Eric McColley Gravesite, Quantico National Cemetery, December 1, 2012 - Patriotic Area Banner, Combat Unit of 3rd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment in Marjah, Afghanistan.

A rare opportunity for unique Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary skirmishes

Planning is progressing very nicely between The Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary, Generals Baldwin/Gesuero and GAC with highly anticipated results for two exciting and unique skirmishes prior to the 150th Gettysburg event on July 4-7 - camping and living history at The Lutheran Seminary on June 29 & 30.

The skirmishes will be on the actual ground and around these historic buildings. Military Command and the organizers are also involved in planning a Cavalry Battle in Hunterstown. One skirmish will be on Saturday morning June 29 and the other Sunday afternoon June 30. The Calvary Battle in Huntertown will be either Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Participating units will also be providing ceremonial responsibilities for the Monday grand opening of The Gettysburg Museum At Seminary Ridge - home of The Historic Old Dorm and its famous cupola. Schmucker Hall is called the most historic privately held building in Gettysburg.

Besides the two skirmishes there will also be limited opportunities for camping and living history from Friday, June 28 through Tuesday July 2. These are rare and unique opportunities only made possible through local contacts, resources and a track record of responsibility.

Please contact Colonel Rorhbaugh ( regarding these opportunities.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Civil War Christmas events

Ohio reenactors! Looking for family Civil War period activities this holiday? Don't forget these locations and dates!

Hale Farm and Village - Bath, Ohio
Holiday Lantern Tours
December 1, 7, 8, 14-16, 19-23

Farnam Museum - Richfield, Ohio
The Spirit of Christmas Past - A Farnam Family Holiday
December 7, 8, 14, 15, 22, 28, 29

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

5th Ohio Christmas Party

We are set to have our Christmas party at Kaminski Tavern in Stow (Andy Kaminski’s House). 2515 Celia Dr, Stow, Oh, 44224, 4th house on the left, white colonial.  Off of Fishcreek Rd. between Stow Rd. and Graham Rd. It will be Saturday December 1st at 7:00 pm. We will eat shortly after then. We will once again have a gift exchange. Please let Andy if you will be able to attend or not.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Teleconference into the Birney's Division Annual Meeting

Not able to make it to the Birney's Division Annual meeting this Friday (November 16th, 8 pm EST)? You can now conference in on your phone and listen to the discussions.

To access the conference, call (605) 475-3200, then enter code 490991#. Depending on your phone service, long distance or cell minute charges may apply.

This call is open to all members of Birney's Division units only.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

December Lantern Tours at Hale Farm

Holiday Lantern Tours at Hale Farm and Village
Dec 1, 7, 8, 14-16, 19-23
Beginning at 6:00pm (by reservation)
2686 Oak Hill Road, Bath, OH

BATH, OHIO — The annual holiday Lantern Tours return to Hale Farm and Village December 1 through December 23, 2012. This lantern-lit journey takes guests on a holiday history tour of Northeast Ohio during the Civil War.

A lively blend of history and theatre, Lantern Tour vignettes are presented in the village houses based on research of newspaper accounts, advertisements, diaries, and classic holiday literature from the era.

“Lantern Tours have become a tradition for northeast Ohio families,” says Kelly Falcone, Vice President of Hale Farm and Village. "If you haven’t visited Hale Farm and Village during the holidays, we invite you to join us this year. We are always delighted when our guests leave with a historical view of the Christmas traditions."

Visitors are invited to the Jonathan Hale House for a Victorian-era holiday treat after the tours. The Museum Store, located in the Gatehouse, Visitor Center is open throughout the tours and features unique holiday gifts including toys and games, lanterns, books, photographs, and the ever popular halemade early American products such as pottery, glass, ironware, textiles, baskets, brooms and candles.

Lantern Tours depart every 20 minutes beginning at 6:00 pm and reservations are required. Lantern Tours are an indoor/outdoor activity. Guests are asked to dress for the weather. Reservations are required. For ticket availability and reservations call 330-666-3711. Admission is: $15 for WRHS Members, $20 for non-members. Discount rates are available for groups of 15 people or more.


The meeting scheduled for this Thursday, November 15th at 7:00 pm has been cancelled.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Important News Flash...

Greetings Everybody,

I just wanted to send an email out to you all about a couple of things. First, the Christmas Party is tentatively set for Saturday, December 1st at 7:00 pm at the Campbellsport Tavern in Ravenna (Jim Workman’s place). We will eat shortly after then. Sue and her folks are going to catering the party for us. They can do it for $10 per person, and the unit would pitch in for the cost for drinks. We will once again have a white elephant gift exchange for the guys, and the ladies we have their traditional exchange amongst themselves. I’m asking that everybody pay prior to the party, or the night of is okay as well. But, I would prefer that folks pay ahead of time, so I can have a head count for the party. The price of $10.00 per person is set at if 20 paying folks show up. So, naturally if we have less than 20 people then the price goes up. At the last meeting the members that were present (Ray Slattery, Ken Hillegass, Mark Hooverman, Andy Augustynovich, and myself.) voted to have it at the Tavern as well as have Sue cater it again. If anybody else would prefer an alternative to the party let me know so we can discuss it at the next meeting which leads me to my second item up for bid. Our next meeting is scheduled for next Thursday, November 15th at 7:00 pm at the Northwest Avenue Church of Christ. After we talk we will try to drill in the gym again, so please bring your rifles & traps. Mr. Hooverman was able to reserve the gym for us to drill in. So, a big thanks goes out to him. Also, I attached the Nomination Ballot for this year's elections again to an email. I have not received any ballots from anyone, so please get them back to me when you can. We wouldn’t want something crazy to happen like Andy “Paco” Augustynovich being the only one to turn in his ballot with him as Captain? I think that is all I have for now, and take care. Hope to see you at the meeting.

Chairman, 5th Ohio 

Friday, November 02, 2012

Birney's Division 2012 Annual Meeting

The yearly meeting for all members and units of Birney's Division will be held on November 16th, 2012 at 8 pm in Gettysburg. PA during Remembrance Day weekend. The location will be the Gettysburg Volunteer Fire Hall, 35 N. Stratton St., one block from the circle in town going east on Rt. 30E. Make a left on Stratton St. and parking is in the rear.

Items on the agenda will be the 2013 event schedule and the planning of the 150th Gettysburg event. ALL members are encouraged to attend!!

There will also be details on where and when the Division will form for the Remembrance Day Parade on Saturday. If you have any questions, please email Chief of Staff Mike Maffei at

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Cornfield at Maryland, My Maryland

The 5th Ohio can be seen around the :57 mark and again at 1:00. This will give you a good idea of what it is like at a national event!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Current Newsletter...

Just sent the current edition of the newsletter via email. Enjoy!


Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Meeting on October 18th...

Greetings again all,

Just wanted to remind everybody about the meeting scheduled for next Thursday, October 18th at 7:00 pm at the Northwest Avenue Church of Christ (Corner of Northwest Avenue and North Thomas Road, approximately 1/4 mi southeast of the six corners intersection of Brittian Rd, Howe Road, Northwest Ave (Tallmadge) and Tallmadge Ave (Cuyahoga Falls)). I have a few things to go over one being the Christmas Party and two some info on a couple of events for next year. After that we will drill in the gym, so please bring your rifles & traps. Mr. Hooverman was able to reserve the gym for the next two meetings for us to drill in. So, a big thanks goes out to him. Also, I attached in an email the Nomination Ballot for this year's elections, and I have noted on the attachment all the info on what to do with the ballot. I think that is all I have for now, and take care. Hope to see you all at the meeting.

Chairman, 5th Ohio

5th Ohio Newsletter...

Greetings All,

How have you been? Long time no talk. I hope all is well with you and your family. I was wondering if anybody had a copy of the last newsletter I sent out, and if so could you send it to me, please. Our server at work crashed and I lost all my files that I had saved, so that has been fun. Thanks for taking the time to look and for sending it to me. Take care.

Chairman, 5th Ohio

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ohio Civil War Reenactor Leadership Conference

October 27, 2012
10 am to 5 pm
Ohio Village, Columbus Ohio

I would like to invite members of Birney's Division to the first Ohio Civil War Reenactor Leadership Conference being held this October. Several of us in both the military and civilian reenacting communities have been been discussing ways to bring people together and meet face to face. This conference will not only help bridge the divide we may have in some areas, but also explore ways we can support the key events we have throughout the state.

The conference is open to all Civil War reenactors of any rank and branch (Union, Confederate or civilian), however I highly encourage all of our Battalion company officers attend (even those of you in PA). A registration fee of $10.00 will cover food. Go to to print the registration form and for more information.

Birney's 2d Battalion needs to have as strong of a presence at this meeting as we do on the field here in Ohio. If you have any questions at all, please email me at

Your Servant,

Christopher L. Smith, Colonel
Birney's Division, 2d Battlion

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Maryland My Maryland...

Greetings All,

First, I just wanted to thank all of you that came out to Hale Farm this past weekend. If you missed it you might want to start kicking yourself, because it was Awesome with a capital "A" baby! Second, is the Maryland My Maryland (150th Antietam) Event set for September 7th -9th. The last list I received from the folks putting on the event had the following folks down as being registered: Andy Kaminski, Ken Hillegass, Kent & Chris Smith, Zach Delaney, Scott Butler & Son, Carl Emerson, Ray & Dan Slattery, and Myself. Those that sent in registrations please let me know ASAP, so I can let Ray know how many people he will be commanding. Third, is did we decide as a group which battalion to fall in with? The choices are 2nd Battalion Birney's Division, or Army of the Ohio, and they are camping in two different styles. Birney's will be in the "Garrison" Camp which will feature Company Streets ("A'" tents and Dogs), then the civilian folks that have Wall Tents will be around the edge of the Company Streets. The Army of the Ohio will be in the Military Camp which will have some spots in the woods, and in a field. The folks that will be in there will have dogs, shelter halves, to no tents at all, and they are asking no "A" Tents or Wall Tents in this camp. So, with some folks having both we need to decided which battalion to go with, because I would like for all of us to camp together. Fourth, is there a carpool forming? If so please let us know who you are, because I know I would like to take advantage of that. I thank that covers it, and take care.

Chairman, 5th Ohio

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Attention! Orders for Hale Farm

I hope everyone is ready to go for this weekend's Civil War action at Hale Farm & Village! On behalf of the Federal Commander Col. Minton, here are some things you need to know for the weekend.

1. Setup is permitted no earlier than 10 am on Friday the 10th. The only exception are those who have been pre-approved by Col. Minton for Thursday night. You MUST check in at Federal HQ (the "First Settlement" Log Cabin near the sawmill) BEFORE you set up your camp.

2. All reenactors MUST check in at registration prior to entering the grounds. Reenactors who have not pre-register will need to do so at that time. Only pre-registered reenactors will receive a Sunday breakfast ticket and firewood chit. Firewood will be located at Federal HQ. You must present your chit to draw firewood.

3. Federal reenactors will be on the Visitor's Center side of the property this year as we are trying to change things up. The camp location map is shown here (or will appear as a separate post). The Confederate reenactors will be in the Village. A new programming area will be near the Visitors Center and Sutler Row will be on the path going into the Village.

4. We have two battles planned for Saturday. In the morning ("Pillage the Village", 8 am) for the reenactors and the tradition afternoon battle for the public. There will be only one battle on Sunday afternoon. We have added earthworks for the scenarios and there will be a great deal more cavalry than usual. Both Federal and Confederate riders will be on the field making it about 80 horse in action! You will receive a reenactor version of the schedule when you check in/register. There is a public schedule online at

5. At this time, we would like to ask any Federal reenactors who have a Confederate jackets to bring it to the event. There may be a need to ask for volunteers who wish to galvanize for battles only. The is strictly on a volunteer basis.

If you have any questions at all, please email me at

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Birney's events this weekend

Birney's Division battalions will be doing two regional events this weekend, July 21-22. Walk-on registration is still available for both events. So grab your musket and come fight for the Union!

1st Battalion: The Battle of Funkstown - Lee's Retreat from Gettysburg
Funkstown, MD -

2d Battalion: Argus Park
Canfield, OH -

Monday, July 09, 2012

Painesville event this weekend

July 14-15, 2012
"Trouble in Bordertown", Lake County Civil War Reenactment
Lake County Historical Society
415 Riverside Dr.
Painesville Twp., OH

Now that the cooler weather is here, Birney's 2d Battalion and other area units will be heading to Painesville this weekend for the Lake County Civil War Reenactment. In addition to the Bordertown scenario and skirmishes, there will also be a raffle for a reproduction 1860 Colt for all pre-registered reenactors and a reenactor drawing for a number of $25 gas cards. Music provided by the 97th Regimental String Band and The Black River Boys.

Our own Capt Paul Baltzer will be leading the Federal forces this weekend as I am still on medical leave (hope to be released by my doc in time for Argus Park). Union camps will start setting up Friday afternoon. Please see Capt. Baltzer or Col. Tim Perry to get placed.

Thank you all for your support of this event and Lake County's Civil War museum. I will still be distributing information to assist Capt. Baltzer. Please do not hesitate to email questions to

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Hale Farm news

After this past weekend's planning meeting, more details are being released about this year's Civil War event at Hale Farm & Village (August 11-12). Here are a few things you can expect!

- Ohio's largest reenactment in 2012
- 50+ mounted cavalry (by far the most you'll see in Ohio this year)
- Saturday morning battle just for the reenactors
- New camp locations
- Earthworks and redoubts!!!!!!!!
- Expanded speakers in the activities area
- Scenario is the 1862 Battle of Williamsburg

Other good news is that the pre-registration cut-off date has been extended to July 31st! Pre-registration and walk-on fees are BOTH $10.00. You MUST pre-register to receive the Sunday morning breakfast and a firewood chit. Firewood cannot be guaranteed for those who register on-site. Click on the link below to download the form.

Monday, July 02, 2012

Current Newsletter

Greetings All,

Keep an eye on your emails for the current edition of the Company Newsletter.


Monday, June 25, 2012

Maryland My Maryland 6-22-12 update

Greetings All,

Please see the attached spreadsheet (in a separate email) on the registration for the Maryland My Maryland event (150th Antietam). The folks that I see that have registered are Kent & Chris Smith, Zach Delany, Ray & Dan Slattery, Ken Hillegass, Andy Kaminski, Carl Emerson, and Myself. If I missed anybody please let me know, and if you need to register the website is: then click where is says "Register Now". Thanks and take care.


Hale Farm Update

Greetings All,

I just wanted to send out an email reminding everybody that the deadline for Hale Farm is this Saturday, June 30, 2012. The registration fee is $10.00 and you can get the forms for the event on their website at: then click at the bottom of the page "Individual Registration Form". Please let me know if/when you register, so that I can get a number on who will be coming. Those I have registered already are: Tim Brown, Andy Kaminski, Ken Hillegass, and Myself. Thanks and take care.

An Apology...

Greetings All,

I just wanted to send out an email to apologize for the harsh email I sent out a couple of weeks ago about registrations. Please understand that I didn't mean for it to come off nasty, or mean in anyway. I have had two friends of mine (outside of reenacting), and my wife read what I sent out to everybody on the Facebook page. All three said that it was nasty in tone and some parts where I thought I was joking around my wife pointed out that it sounded nasty in tone. So, I offer my dearest apologies to you all and please forgive me if you were offended or upset by my actions. If you still feel that I have crossed a line and wish for me to step down as Chairman, I will do what the membership of the 5th wants. Just know that I didn't mean any disrespect in anyway, and feel horrible about the tone of my email. Once again please forgive me and take care.


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Policy/Procedure Change

Greetings All,

I just wanted to send out a note about a Policy/Procedure change I'm making in regards to event registrations. First, is I'm starting to see why Ken decided to take a break from being Chairman. This position I'm starting to find out is more of a hassle than it is worth. So, with that the change I'm going to make is simple and that is I'm not going to collect registrations for events and send them in anymore. The only fees I will collect from now on is our $15 dues for the group. I will provide everyone with websites, emails, and registration forms for the events. But, it will be YOUR responsibility to send in the forms with the payment for the registration fees for events. I have had a couple of incidents were people have said that they gave me money for events, but I have them not marked down on the list to the folks hosting the events switching the registration dates around which confuses everybody to the point where people show up to the event and they are not down on the list for the event. So, with this change and everybody being responsible for their own registrations then you will know if you are signed up for the event or not. Plus, I have had only about three people give me registration fees for the events for the entire year and those folks are the same three people for each event. If you do not like this change in procedure, or that you believe in the by-laws not being changed then all I have to say is there is an election in November. I have three people give me their fees for Hale Farm (Andy Kaminski, Tim Brown, and Ken Hillegass), and I will still send those in. But, for those who have not given me their fees you will have to register on your own for Hale Farm and the Maryland My Maryland event. Here are the websites for both events so you can get the registration forms for both. First is Hale Farm ( and at the bottom click on Individual Registration for the form. Second is the Maryland My Maryland (150th Antietam) event: ( and you would click on where it says Register Now. That is all I have for now and if you have any questions, or grievances please send them my way.

Chairman, 5th Ohio

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Just a friendly reminder...

Greetings All,

I just wanted to send out a quick reminder about our second event of the year which is set for next weekend June 9th & 10th at Beaver Creek State Park ( The registration fee is $10.00 and you can get the forms on-line from the website I just referenced above. I do have three members that gave me their registrations and they are as follow: 1st Sgt. Andy Kaminski, Tom Simich, and Tim Brown. Preregistration is still open until June 8th and they are allowing walk-ons for a $10.00 fee, but you don’t get breakfast Sunday morning for walking on. I will not be able to attend due to having to work that weekend, so you will have to register on your own or walk-on for the event. Second, many of you that came out to Burton saw a new face in the rank & file of our band of merry men. That new face is Matt Livingston and he will be a member with us here in the 5th Ohio. So, please next time you see him, welcome him to our group. Third, a big thank you to all the members that came out to Burton and the Memorial Day Parade this past weekend. If anybody has any photos from Burton or the Parade and would like them on the website, please send them to me and I can get them on there. Finally, Beaver Creek will be our last event for awhile. Our next event will be our annual favorite Hale Farm set for August 11th & 12th, and preregistration is $10.00 and is due by June 30th. Those I have received registrations from are as follows: 1st Sgt. Andy Kaminski (shocker), Ken Hillegass, and Tim Brown. Those wishing to have me register for them can mail me there $10.00 or register on your own by going to Hale Farm’s website: and if you do register on your own please let me know when you do. That is all I have for now, and if I don’t talk to you all until Hale Farm have a safe, fun, happy summer!

Chairman, 5th Ohio

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

First Call for Beaver Creek!

"Jackson in the Valley"
June 9-10, 2012
Beaver Creek State Park - East Liverpool, OH

This is the next event on the Birney's Division 2d Battalion schedule. Colonel Smith has work obligations. Major Bob Penix will be commanding the Federal forces for this one so you know you are going to see some hot fighting!!

Walk-ons are permitted. Click the link below for all of the event information including registration details.

At this time, we are asking for a estimated count of Federal reenactors.

1. Unit name.
2. How many MILITARY personnel?
3. How many CIVILIANS?
4. Number of tents and type.

Please EMAIL the above information to as soon as possible.

Help needed at Hale Farm this weekend

The Wood Chopper's Ball
Saturday, June 6 - 9 am to 1 pm

Hale Farm & Village
2686 Oak Hill Road, Peninsula, OH 44264

Union and Confederate reenactors are needed to help cut fire wood for the 2012 Civil War reenactment at Hale Farm & Village coming up in August!

People will be needed to run chain saws and log splitters. Bring your own gloves and wear appropriate work clothing. Hale Farm will be providing drinks and lunch!

You must be 18 to run equipment. If you have any questions, please post them here.
PLEASE email Chris Smith at  no later than MAY 31st if you are able to participate so you can be added to the list. Thank you!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Big Weekend Ahead...(UPDATE)


Parade information is as follows (From Paco): Line up starts at 7am at the "shopping" center lot.  There will not be water available at the start, but at the end.  Those going to the cemetery in uniform are expected to salute.  We are between two vehicles and I've already spoken to them and they are aware that we are walking so hopefully they'll keep that in mind.  I don't know if Brian wanted to get a hold of the parade people and have them give us some room.  That's up to Brian.  At the end of the parade everyone is instructed to keep moving to keep the end of the parade clear.   Portage Trail is going to be shut down at 715am. 

Big Weekend Ahead...

Greetings All,

I just wanted to send out a quick reminder about our big weekend ahead. First, we have Burton set for Saturday & Sunday, May 26th-27th. Pr-registration has already been sent in and those I have down are the following: Andy Kaminski, Tim Brown, Tom Simich, Ken Hillegass, Heather Terry, Alex Terry, Andy (Paco) Augustynoich, and Me. All others you will have to pay the walk-on fee of $5.00, and make sure when you register when you walk-on that you say you are with Birney's Division to cover the insurance situation. For those that are planning on attending as a walk-on please let me know, so I have a number on who is coming this weekend. Second, is the Cuyahoga Falls Memorial Day Parade set for Monday, May 28th. I just want to take a second and send a big thank you to Paco (Andy A.) for going to the mandatory parade meeting yesterday when  I couldn't make it. We are position number 29 and we step off at... well, I will have that for you so we all know what time to be there. Third, I sent out an email about needing rifles for some folks (Paco & me) and I wish to thank those that offered theirs to use. We need as many rifles in line for the parade, so that we all look very nice for the folks. The only person without a rifle will be whoever is carrying the flag. Which brings me to this for the parade; I would like everybody to wear their Kepi or Forage/Bummer, Sack Coats, and Packs (light marching order) for the parade. If you don't have a Knapsack, or Hard-pack that is okay just come as you are. So, please no Hardee, Slouch, or Black Hats of any kind for the parade. I think that should cover everything and you have any questions for me please ask. Thanks, take care, and see you all this weekend.

Chairman, 5th Ohio

Monday, May 07, 2012

Learn to drive an oxen

Learn to drive an oxen team! The winner in this limited-ticket Oxen Workshop raffle will enjoy the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for four (4) people to spend a day with the oxen of Hale Farm and receive professional training to properly work with these magnificent animals. Click the link below for raffle details.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Rifles Needed...

Greetings All,

Well it is officially May and that means that at the end of the month we will have our first two events of the year. First, is Burton which is set for May 26th & 27th, and our second event which is the Cuyahoga Falls Memorial Day Parade which is set for May 28th. I will be mailing in the registration for Burton on May 11th, because it has to be in by May 15th. So, if you want me to take care of the registration for you please mail me your fees by next Tuesday May 8th. The parade meeting is set for May 20th and I will have all the details about the parade for you all at Burton. The parade is the big event we need max attendance for, because last year attendance for the parade was in my eyes very poor (look at the pictures on the website). WE as a group need to have a good showing for the parade to honor those who have given their lives for this country and our freedom. (Warning: I'm going to use a movie line here) Sorry, I didn't mean to preach. If all of you can make it to the parade, I will personally be very grateful. With that said Andy Augustynovich (Paco) and I need rifles for both days at Burton and the Parade. Both he and I will have caps, rounds, and will clean said rifles after each use, all we require is two to borrow. If you can accommodate the both of us please reply to him and I, so we can plan accordingly. Thank you very much for you time and take care. Oh, please take a moment to welcome Matt Livingston, he will be joining us for Saturday at Burton, but hopefully for the whole weekend. Matt was with the 66th Ohio and the 23rd Ohio, but left in 2009 to concentrate on work and school. So, if you see him at Burton please be sure to say hello to him.

Brian S. Herchek
Chairman, 5th Ohio