Monday, March 21, 2011

Clean Up of Johnson's Island Civil War Site

(Marblehead, Ohio) – Almost exactly 150 years after the first shots of the Civil War were fired, another wave of volunteers is about to descend on America’s storied battlegrounds and prison sites – only this array of dedicated men and women will be armed with paint brushes, trash bags and weed whackers.

On Saturday, April 2, 2011, history buffs and preservationists from around the country will team up with the Civil War Trust (CWT) to help clean and restore America’s priceless battlefields, cemeteries, POW sites and shrines. The nationwide effort – dubbed Park Day – is underwritten with a grant from History™, formerly The History Channel, and has been endorsed by Take Pride in America, a division of the U.S. Department of the Interior.

Park Day, now in its 15th year, is an annual hands-on preservation event created by CWT to assist local groups with the maintenance of Civil War sites. This year, more than 100 sites in 24 states are expected to take part in the effort, with activities ranging from trash removal to trail building. In exchange for their hard work, volunteers receive t-shirts and learn the site’s history from local experts.

The Johnson’s Island Civil War Military Prison Site will participate in Park Day 2011 for the 6th year. Volunteers will assist in prison compound cleanup, removal of fallen trees from Fort Johnson, preparation of walking trails and placement of interpretative markers. For more information about Park Day at the Johnson’s Island Civil War Military Prison site and to register to participate, please contact David Bush by phone at 419-448-2327 or by email at

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Perryopolis registration

Looking forward to the Fall, Birney's Division will be hosting the annual Civil War reenactment in Perryopolis, PA (September 30 - October 2). Please check out the website and registration information at

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Ohio Civil War 150 Ceremony

Ohio 150th Anniversary Kick off Ceremony and Brunch, both at the Ohio Statehouse on April 10th.

Some reenactor information:

First on the brunch: Tickets are $40. Proceeds go to Ohio Save the Flags fund. With sponsors for Wes Cowan and such, if all 240 tickets sell, several thousand dollars will be raised. The Ohio Historical Society will be displaying, among other things the Flank Marker Flag of the 88th OVI and Regimental Colors of the 6th OVI, 10th OVC and 21st OVVI. These will be on display in the Statehouse Rotunda where they were at rest for so many years. If you want tickets, please call 800-858-6878 ASAP. You CAN attend the brunch and take part in the ceremony both. You also CAN see the flags without attending the brunch.

On the reenactment ceremony:

We will be assisting Colonel Minton and the Army of the Ohio. There will be a registration table for you to check in when you arrive. You may bring tent etc. to set up a static display for the day. You may arrive any time after 8, but please don't set up without getting approval. The ceremony starts at 2, we'll begin sorting/organizing by about 1 p.m. Unless otherwise directed... DO NOT BRING ROUNDS. There will be a firing detail, once we see registrations we'll let those folks know to bring rounds.

Uniform: The 6th OVI has registered nearly 30 folks and will be portraying the 1st OVI. Everyone else please wear your normal uniform and remember... this is an early war ceremony... not a late war show of how disgusting you can look. So, please have your uniform in decent shape. The only uniform exceptions will be a couple officers who will have specific roles. These too will be assigned once we see registrations.

Please bring both your National and Regimental colors if you have them. They would like to see NCO's carrying the colors. The colors will be formed in numerical order starting near the speaker.

The Statehouse Gift Shop will have the Save the Flag Shirts on sale that day for us. Please bring your $$ to get your shirts and encourage your folks to do the same.

Please pass this word to your folks. The wider distribution we can get with this the better.

If units and/or members from Birney's want to go PLEASE contact Lt Col Smith from 2d Battalion ASAP.