Friday, July 23, 2010

Max Effort event at Hale Farm

This is just a reminder to get your registrations turned in for Hale Farm, August 14-15 in Bath, OH. At our annual meeting last year, the Division chose this as a max-effort event. Things are looking good but we need to get the registrations turned in (especially from the units is PA). We want to have a 100 plus man battalion on that field. If there any cav and artillery units who wish to come, please contact me as soon as possible prior to registration.

The Federal Army will be made up of units from The Army of the Ohio, USVs, Vincent's Brigade and Birney's of course. The Confederates will consist of Medich's Battalion and the ANV.

For those of you in the Ohio who have not had the change to meet our commanding general and chief of Staff, both Maj Gen Kelley and Brig Gen Maffei will be there.

There will be a large engagement on Saturday and Sunday for the public that will introduce several new elements to what we have done before, and the much anticipated tactical has returned to the event just for the reenactors.

This will be the largest Hale Farm in years and for those who have never been to the facility, you are in for a treat. There is so much to see and do at this historical village and farm. Plus, the event holds what is considered the best Saturday night dance at any reenactment in the region.

CLICK HERE for registration information:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Lt Col Smith at

Monday, July 19, 2010

First Call: Argus Park

This weekend will be the bi-annual Civil War reenactment at Argus Masonic Park in Canfield, Ohio. At this time I would like to as for the following information from any Federal units attending...

1. Name of unit and affiliation if any.
2. Number of military personnel attending.
3. Will your unit have an officer/nco in charge?

Please email this information to the Federal Commander Lt Col Christopher Smith at

When you arrive on site PLEASE see Maj Don Van Meter before you set up.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Help a fellow reenactor - used reenacting goods now listed

As I mentioned last week, I am helping a fellow reenactor and Freemason who has fallen ill. He is also a 30 year veteran of the US Army.

There is a wide variety of items for Rev War, F&I, Civil War and WWII reenactors. More will be going up next week. Especially the Rev and F&I goods. There will also be some weapons going up in the next few days.

Please visit and click on the link for USED REENACTING ITEMS.

Thank you!

Christopher Smith
Commanding, Birney's 2d Battalion