Monday, May 21, 2012

Big Weekend Ahead...

Greetings All,

I just wanted to send out a quick reminder about our big weekend ahead. First, we have Burton set for Saturday & Sunday, May 26th-27th. Pr-registration has already been sent in and those I have down are the following: Andy Kaminski, Tim Brown, Tom Simich, Ken Hillegass, Heather Terry, Alex Terry, Andy (Paco) Augustynoich, and Me. All others you will have to pay the walk-on fee of $5.00, and make sure when you register when you walk-on that you say you are with Birney's Division to cover the insurance situation. For those that are planning on attending as a walk-on please let me know, so I have a number on who is coming this weekend. Second, is the Cuyahoga Falls Memorial Day Parade set for Monday, May 28th. I just want to take a second and send a big thank you to Paco (Andy A.) for going to the mandatory parade meeting yesterday when  I couldn't make it. We are position number 29 and we step off at... well, I will have that for you so we all know what time to be there. Third, I sent out an email about needing rifles for some folks (Paco & me) and I wish to thank those that offered theirs to use. We need as many rifles in line for the parade, so that we all look very nice for the folks. The only person without a rifle will be whoever is carrying the flag. Which brings me to this for the parade; I would like everybody to wear their Kepi or Forage/Bummer, Sack Coats, and Packs (light marching order) for the parade. If you don't have a Knapsack, or Hard-pack that is okay just come as you are. So, please no Hardee, Slouch, or Black Hats of any kind for the parade. I think that should cover everything and you have any questions for me please ask. Thanks, take care, and see you all this weekend.

Chairman, 5th Ohio

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